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Advertising Opportunity on Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council Website

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, May 16, 2000 - The Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council in collaboration with MBP Creations is offering a new advertising opportunity on our website. Beginning June 1st, your business can place an advertisement banner on one of the most popular pages of this server.

Advertising on the PRBC website will help improve your company's name recognition and visibility among our selected audience. Visitors to our website consist of both PRBC members and non-members. Most of our visitors are involved in business and have interest in furthering trade, and other collaborations, between the various markets within Russia (and the Newly Independent States) and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. Therefore, your advertisement will be delivered to a targeted group of individuals and businesses that will most likely have a specific interest in your products and services.

Your advertising banner will be displayed on the PRBC home page as well as the eight pages of our main-section. It will be placed either above the main menu or above the page title. The banners can be in GIF or JPEG format. Animated GIF banners are allowed. There are two options for the banner size as illustrated below: Hosting one advertisement banner costs $550 per month. You are welcome to contact the PRBC should you wish to discuss special circumstances and technical questions.

Your ad here

A standard 465 pixels wide banner, with height ranging from 60 to 75 pixels, will be placed below the main menu of the home page and above the titles on the remaining pages.

Your ad here

A 150 pixels wide banner, ranging in height from 150 to 200 pixels, will be placed in the margin section immediately following the navigation menu.

Founded in 1995, the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council cultivates economic and cultural partnerships between Russia, the Newly Independent States (NIS), and Pennsylvania. Additionally, the PRBC assists Mid-Atlantic companies wanting to explore and enter the expanding marketplace within Russia and the NIS. The PRBC provides networking opportunities and acts as a clearinghouse for business information with regard to Russia and the NIS. In essence, the PRBC is a "home base" for those companies wanting to conduct business in Russia and/or the NIS, yet need the knowledge and understanding of legal, financial, and other business protocols required to be successful.

MBP Creations is a full-service Internet marketing firm dedicated to assisting small and medium-size businesses and non-profit organizations in promoting and advertising their products and services via cyberspace.

For more information, please contact Val Kogan, PRBC President at (215) 708-2628, (215) 963-7079 / fax (215) 963-9104 or Matvey Palchuk of MBP Creations by e-mail.

Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council
MBP Creations

Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia