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MARCH 6, 2003

8:00 to 10:00 am
The Union League
of Philadelphia
140 S. Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA


Greater Philadelphia's International
Chambers of Commerce

German-American Chamber of Commerce
French-American Chamber of Commerce
America-Israel Chamber of Commerce
British American Business Council
Chilean - American Chamber of Commerce
Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Ireland Chamber of Commerce
Italy-America Chamber of Commerce
Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia
Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council
World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia


...Will the economic recovery gather strength in 2003, or is a double-dip recession in the cards?...

...What is the outlook for interest rates?...

...What will happen to economic activity in major foreign economies?...

...Will the dollar continue to slump, or will the greenback reign supreme again?...



Jay H. Bryson, Ph.D. - Global Economist of Wachovia Bank, N.A.

Jay Bryson joined Wachovia in 1998 to provide analysis on financial markets and macroeconomic developments in foreign economies. Before joining Wachovia, Dr. Bryson was an economist in the Division of International Finance at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, D.C. From 1989 to 1992, Dr. Bryson was an assistant professor of economics at the University of Alabama. He also has lectured on international economics and macroeconomics at the School for Advanced International Studies at John Hopkins University and at Georgetown University.

He has published in academic economic journals such as the Journal of Macroeconomics, the Open Economies Review, and the Journal of Policy Modeling. His comments on the economy regularly appear in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and USA Today, and he makes frequent appearances on CNBC and CNN-fn.

Dr. Bryson received his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Register today to:
Obtain answers to your questions about the economy in a relaxed, interactive forum.
Meet and greet Greater Philadelphia's international business community.
Enjoy Networking & Continental Breakfast - Bring your business cards!

Special thanks to our sponsors
Wachovia Securities, Inc.
Asher & Company, Ltd.
Reed Smith LLP




Global Economic Outlook 2003



Thursday, March 6, 2003, from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

at The Union League of Philadelphia, 140 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA


Please reserve _________ tickets at $35.00 Members / $45.00 Non-Members


Total amount: $ _______  CIRCLE Payment Method:     CHECK ENCLOSED (payable to GACC)      VISA      MasterCard









Credit Card #:























Please RSVP immediately to:

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council
1760 Market Street, Suite 1100
Philadelphia, PA 19103
fax: (215) 963-9104




For more information and event details please contact Val Kogan, MARBC President

at phone: (215) 708-2628, (484) 432-4029,

or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org


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between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia