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Reaching Your Global Customers

HARRISBURG, PA - The Mid-Atlantic oe Russia Business Council will be supporting and participating in the Reaching Your Global Customers conference hosted by World Trade Center - Harrisburg. This conference will focus on international marketing and website strategies and will be held on March 30-31, 2004 at the Wyndham Harrisburg-Hershey in Harrisburg, PA. The conference begins with an opening dinner and exhibition in the evening on March 30 and will then continue on March 31 with a full day exhibition and conference focused on topics facing companies competing in the global marketplace. This will include a display by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council.

The keynote speakers of the conference are Don DePalma of Common Sense Advisory and Ira Blumenthal, President of CO-OPPORTUNITIES, Inc. Don DePalma will present his own research in globalization. Ira Blumenthal, who specializes in marketing, strategic alliances, brand development and change, will speak on the topic of global branding. Other sessions scheduled throughout out the conference include: website globalization; localization; international marketing; market research; global search engine strategies; global product simulation; and much more. Further details may be found on the World Trade Center - Harrisburgas website: www.hwtc.org.

The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council and the World Trade Center - Harrisburg will be jointly hosting "Business Opportunites in Russia" seminar June 24, 2004 in Harrisburg, PA.


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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia