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Announcing: The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Seminar Series:
Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S. Business

PHILADELPHIA, PA - The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council announces the continuation of the seminar series on "Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S. Business." Due to the success of the first thirteen seminars in the Mid-Atlantic region in Spring 2001 - Spring 2003, six new seminars will be organized during 2004 that will extend throughout the Eastern United States. The largest events of the series will take place on May 26-27, 2004 in New York City at CeBIT America and during the Russian-American Innovation Technology Week in the Mid-Atlantic States in November. Each seminar highlights various institutes, scientists and projects in Russia. 

Included in these sessions will be presentations by U.S. corporations with significant technology transfer collaboration experience in Russia. These presenters include a diverse group of representatives ranging from major corporations to small businesses, and from research universities to technology associations and foundations such as U.S. Industry Coalition (USIC), U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and the U.S. Department of State's Science Centers Partners Program. USIC members participate in the Department of Energy's Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention, a program partnering weapons scientists in the former Soviet Union with U.S. industry to transform weapons technologies into viable products for the global market. The State Departmentas Partners Program, through Science Centers in Moscow and Kiev, offers U.S. businesses a protective infrastructure for funding basic and applied research projects, technology development, and technology demonstration research in the former Soviet Union.

These seminars are an excellent way to learn more about the opportunities for business cooperation between American and Russian companies. For U.S. businesses, organizations such as the USIC and CRDF offer a wealth of experience with research projects and investment opportunities in the former Soviet Union, and the State Department's Partners Program reduces the costs and political risks of funding research in the Newly Independent States. Companies can gain unique access to the former Soviet weapons R&D community and utilize their expertise to work on corporate projects in such fields as biotechnology, instrumentation, communications, air, space and surface transportation, materials, the environment and more. 

The culmination of this series in 2004 will be held in conjunction with the CeBIT America Information and Communications Technology Trade Fair on May 25-27, 2004 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, NY. A delegation from the Russian Federation representing companies in the information technology, telecommunications and other technology industries will be present to have a full day of panel discussions and to exhibit the latest advancements in Russian technology for the duration of the CeBIT America. The Russian delegation visit will be organized by MARBC in association with The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, The Ministry of Industry, Science and Technologies of the Russian Federation, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, The Moscow Entrepreneurs Association, with promotional support from Integral, Algorithm Group, SiliconTaiga, and Groteck. 

CeBIT is the world's largest and most influential information and communications technology trade fair. CeBIT America joins an annual roster of international CeBIT events. In 2003 CeBIT America started as an annual event to bring together a few hundred exhibitors and tens of thousands of senior decision-makers from technology and vertical industries, including the automotive, banking, education, government, healthcare, hospitality, insurance & finance, manufacturing, media & publishing, and retail sectors. Partnering with leading business and government organizations, CeBIT America will offer exclusive business and educational opportunities for exhibitors and attendees. From the beginning the aRussian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S. Businessae seminar became an important part of the Russian conference program of CeBIT America. The Russian Pavilion, organized by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council, has an extensive display in the Exhibit Hall featuring the vast array of Russian science and technology capabilities and is one of the biggest parts of the international presentations (see http://www.cebit-america.com/2410)

Come learn about how your company could benefit in the fast-paced, advanced technology sector.

The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Seminar Series 

"Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S Companies"

New York Seminar

May 26-27, 2004

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center 

New York City, NY 


Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Theater
Welcome - Opening Remarks

  • Deputy Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in the USA 

  • Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Theater
"Technology Opportunities for U.S. Businesses in the Newly Independent States" 

  • Moderator: Trevor Gunn, Director, BISNIS, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce 

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Theater
Telecommunication Panel

  • Moderator: Trevor Gunn, Director, BISNIS, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce 

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Theater
Information Technology Panel

  • Moderator: Paul R. Smith, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Moscow (Retired) 

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Theater
Russian Technology Companies Panel "Russian Software Solutions - A Key to Success for Your Business"

  • Moderator: John Gallagher, Chairman, United States Industry Coalition 

For more information, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council by phone: (215) 708-2628 or email: val@ma-rbc.org


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