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"2004: Raising the curtain over a new Europe"

Philadelphia, PA - Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council is proud to renew its support of the annual Wharton European Business Conference. The ninth annual Wharton European Business Conference will be held on November 19th at the Rittenhouse Hotel. This year, the theme is "2004: Raising the curtain over a new Europe". In the context of tense transatlantic relations and a European Union, the conference will focus on the economic perspective and medium to long-term business opportunities. Prominent speakers will reflect on current business issues shaping and shaking Europe, including:

  • Jean-Pierre Rosso, board member of Medtronic, Eurazeo Holding and former member of President Bush's Advisory Committe on Trade
  • Jean-Francois Boittin, France's minister delegate in Washington for economic and commercial affairs
  • Thomas Puetter, CEO of Allianz Capital Partners
  • Harvey Sawikin, founder of the $700mm Firebird Hedge Fund
  • Diane Sias, Head of Post-Merger Integration Practice at McKinsey & Co etc.
The Conference will also feature speakers from several countries participating in the "Commercial and Political Dynamics in Central/Eastern Europe & Russia" panel, including:
  • Elena Poptodorova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Bulgaria to the USA
  • Bulent Gultekin, Associate Professor of Finance, The Wharton School, and former Governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
  • Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council

The Wharton European Business Conference is part of the annual Wharton Global Business Forum. Along with the Asian, African, Indian, and Latin American conferences, this forum attracts over 1,500 participants and has traditionally been the largest event organized by students at The Wharton School. For conference information and registration, please visit Wharton School website at http://www.whartonglobal.com/europe/, contact Stefan Nedialkov by phone 917-224-4717, e-mail stefanne@wharton.upenn.edu.

For more information please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council by phone: (215) 708-2628, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org

Agenda - Friday November 19, 2004

8:00 - 9:00Registration and Breakfast
9:00 - 9:45Opening Keynote Speech
Jean-Pierre Rosso - Former Chairman and CEO, Case Corporation and Case New Holland
10:00 - 11:15Panel: Transatlantic Business Opportunities
11:30 - 12:30Kaleidoscope Workshops
  • Cross-border M&A in Europe
  • Healthcare in Europe - a regulated environment?
  • Real-estate investment - new engine for growth after Distressed Assets and privatization?
  • Private Equity and Leveraged Buyouts - a European perspective.
  • Brand management in Europe (tentative)
  • Entrepreneurship - from Western to Eastern Eldorado (tentative)
12:30 - 13:30Lunch Break
13:45 - 14:30Lunch Keynote
Jean-Francois Boittin - Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs
14:45- 15:15Keynote introducing the next panel
Harvey Sawikin - Founder, Firebird Funds
15:15 - 16:15Panel: Commercial and Political Dynamics in Central/Eastern Europe & Russia
16:30 - 17:15Closing Keynote Speech
Thomas Puetter - CEO, Allianz Capital Partners
18:00 - 21:00Cocktail Reception chaired by the Dean of Wharton, Patrick Harker
(for all speakers attending the Wharton Global Business Forum)


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