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U.S. - Russia:
Homeland Security Trade Mission



When: February 1-4, 2005

Where: Crocus Convention Center & Kremlin, Moscow

Mission Participation Fee: $6,000


Equity International and Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Forum are pleased to invite you on a homeland security trade mission to Russia, scheduled for February 1 - 4, 2005.

Itinerary for US-Russia Homeland Security Trade Mission
Letter by Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA)
Letter from Equity International
U.S.-Russia: Experience in Fighting Terrorism - a Special Conference
Homeland Security Trade Mission Flyer
Homeland Security Trade Mission Sponsorship Opportunities
(PDF files)


Equity International is the exclusive organizer of the "U.S.-Russia: Experience in Fighting Terrorism" Conference and the co-organizer (with the Mid-Atlantic Russia Business Council) of the U.S. Country Pavilion at the Security and Safety Technologies Trade Show, scheduled for February 1 - 4, 2005 at the Crocus Convention Center in Moscow. The Trade Show is the biggest exhibition and congress in the field of security and safety in Russia, other former Soviet republics, and Central/Eastern Europe, with more than 500 exhibitors representing 30 countries, and 25,000 attendees.

In the wake of recent terrorist attacks in Russia, the U.S.-Russia Homeland Security Trade Mission provides an extraordinary opportunity to provide homeland security solutions in a critical part of the world. And funding is available - Russia has announced it will spend an additional $10 billion for homeland security, in addition to its defense budget. Equity International's initiative to organize the "U.S.-Russia: Experience in Fighting Terrorism" Conference and a US delegation to Moscow are greatly supported by the State Duma Committee on Security in Russia.

The U.S.-Russia Homeland Security Trade Mission, led by Congressman Curt Weldon, Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee and Founder of the Congressional Homeland Security Caucus, combines two important homeland security events, The Security and Safety Technologies Trade Show and The 2005 Homeland & Global Security Summit.  The full Trade Mission Package provides your company with an affordable and effective means of participation in this important market.

Participants in the Trade Mission will be provided with exhibit space in the U.S. Pavilion, will have full access to all of the Trade Show's conferences and workshops, and will be invited to a VIP Reception and Dinner at the Kremlin on February 1, 2005. The exclusive Kremlin event is expected to be attended by 500 VIPs, including more than 200 Russian security and defense leaders.

Equity International is the leading U.S. facilitator of business involvement and solutions in homeland security. Equity International organizes yearly Homeland & Global Security Summits, the most influential homeland security trade shows in the United States. Since 2002, Equity International has also organized almost monthly homeland security briefings at the National Press Club, providing the latest information from Congressional and Administration leaders on homeland security funding and programs. Equity International organized its first homeland security event in 1998, when the firm hosted a national conference on the threat of Osama bin Laden to U.S. corporate facilities and personnel. One of the firm's latest events – The Capitol Hill Homeland Security Technology Showcase – attracted many government and industry leaders.

Thousands of top government and industry leaders have participated in Equity's homeland security forums. News media coverage has included CNN, C-SPAN, CNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, BBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, Financial Times, and many other major news media.

Text Box: Participant Package ($6,000) includes:



v     Safety and Security Technologies Forum

(See details below)

O     Exhibition Space at the official U.S. Pavilion at the Safety and Security Technologies Forum

O     Full Access to the Forum's Conferences and Workshops

O     Attendee Pass to the "U.S. - Russia: Experience in Fighting Terrorism Conference".

O     VIP Reception & Dinner, Kremlin, February 1, 2005

O     One full page (4" x 5.5") company listing in the official Security and Safety Technologies Catalog (25,000 copies distribution)

O     One full page company listing in the official US Pavilion Catalog ( for distribution at the US Pavilion and Kremlin Reception)

O     Trade Mission Photos upon return

O     One year membership to Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council and Moscow Entrepreneur's Association

O     For more VIP benefits, please inquire about Mission Sponsorship

v     The 2005 Homeland and Global Security Summit*

(See details below)

O     Exhibition Space

O     Full Access to the General Sessions and All Workshops

O     Online Marketing Promotion on Moscow Forum and Washington Summit websites

O     Global Media Exposure

O     For more VIP benefits, please enquire about Summit Sponsorship

 *Each Participant is responsible for his/her Airfare, Hotel, Food and Incidental Expenses.

* Option without Homeland & Global Security Summit also available.

* Mission Sponsorship is available; please contact us for Sponsorship Package



February 1-4, 2005: International Forum "Security and Safety Technologies"

Moscow, Russia

International Forum "Security and Safety Technologies" is the biggest exhibition and congress event in the field of security and safety in Russia, CIS and Eastern Europe. The Forum highlights information security, fire protection, banking security, industrial security, work place safety and much more. New technological innovations and developments are debuted in a separate exposition.

.      Over 500 firms representing 30 countries to exhibit

.      Over 3,500 specialists to participate in conferences, seminars, and panel discussions.

.      Over 25,000 attendees from 40 countries to attend

Professional support by:

  • Security Council of Russian Federation
  • Security Committee of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation
  • The Ministry of Interior of Russian Federation
  • The Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of Russian Federation
  • The Federal Security Service of Russian Federation
  • The State Technical Commission under the President of the Russian Federation
  • The Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation

Website: www.tbforum.ru



 March 2-3, 2005: Homeland & Global Security Summit

Washington, DC

Equity International's annual Homeland & Global Security Summit is the most prestigious homeland security trade show and conference in the United States. The Summit is unparalleled in its quality and effectiveness. Exhibiting at the 2005 Homeland & Global Security Summit can provide your company with an excellent vehicle for high-level branding and introductions to key government officials and industry leaders through high-profile general sessions, informative breakout sessions, a well-attended trade exhibition, and exclusive receptions and forums. The 2004 Summit Speakers included Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (Keynote); DHS Assistant Secretary Parney Albright; Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Peter Verga; Customs & Border Protection Commissioner Robert Bonner; Congressman Christopher Cox, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Homeland Security; Congressman Hal Rogers; Chairman of House Homeland Security Appropriations; and many others.

.       Over 100 U.S. firms and several Country Pavilions to exhibit

.       Three General Sessions and Sixteen Workshops scheduled

.       Over 3,000 industry leaders from the U.S. and other countries to attend


Website: www.globalsecurity.bz


If you are interested in Sponsoring the Mission or to Participate in the Delegation, please contact:

Tatyana Pope
Director of Business Development
Equity International
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 6th Floor
Washington, DC 20004
202.756.2244 office
703.606.9062 direct

For more information about Security and Safety Technologies Trade Show please contact:

Val Kogan
President, MARBC
phone: 215.708.2628
email: val@ma-rbc.org



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