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Homeland and Global Security Summit

Get the latest information and the best contacts on:

The 2005 Homeland and Global Security Summit Exhibitor & Sponsor Benefits

The 2004 Homeland and Global Security Summit Post-Show Report 2004

(PDF files)

  • Billions in New Homeland Security Spending
  • How To Win Homeland Security Contracts
  • Defense Department Programs & Spending
  • Transportation Security Programs & Spending
  • Programs of the Department of Homeland Security
In a recent report by Equity International, homeland security spending (federal, state, local) in the United States is projected to rise to $56.8 billion in 2005. Global spending by governments on homeland security will rise to $572 billion in 2005.

Companies with the most information, the right contacts, and the best promotional visibility will win the most business. The 2005 Homeland & Global Security Summit is designed to strategically position you to win the most business.

The Summit will provide you with the latest information, direct from the source: White House, Congressional, Defense, Administration, and homeland security experts will brief you on:

  • New programs of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
  • The latest details on federal homeland security spending in 2005 and 2006
  • The latest details on state, local, and First Responder spending in 2005 and 2006
  • Department of Defense priorities and procurement procedures for homeland security spending
  • Transportation Security Administration priorities and procurement procedures for homeland security spending
  • Priorities and procurement procedures for health security, food security, and bioterrorism preparedness and response
  • IT/network security spending and procurement
  • Security priorities and spending of allied countries around the world
  • How to win homeland and global security contracts
The Summit will provide you with the right contacts. Meet decision-makers from:
  • The White House
  • Department of Homeland Security
  • Department of Defense
  • Transportation Security Administration, Coast Guard, and airport authorities
  • HHS, FDA, and CDC
  • Members of Congress and Congressional budget and appropriations staff
  • Governors, Mayors, and state and local officials coordinating homeland security
  • First Responders
  • Top executives from America's major companies providing homeland security solutions and applications
  • Officials and executives from allied countries around the world
The Summit will provide you with the best promotional visibility: Through sponsorship and exhibiting, your company has an extraordinary opportunity to generate substantial promotional visibility for your homeland security products and services. Be seen by federal, state, local, and allied government officials who make program and spending decisions. Be seen by national and international news media covering the Summit.


For more information, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council by phone: (215) 708-2628 or email: ma-rbc@att.net


The 2005 Homeland & Global Security Summit is the premier homeland security event in 2005. The Summit is organized by Equity International, a leader in facilitating the corporate involvement in homeland security programs. In 2002, 2003, and 2004, top leaders from The White House, Administration, Pentagon, and Congress addressed the homeland security events of Equity International, which were covered by C-SPAN (live), CNN (live), NBC, CBS, ABC, Fox, The New York Times, Fortune, Reuters, National Public Radio, Financial Times, and other major news media. Top executives participated from such major companies as ArmorGroup, Avaya, BAE SYSTEMS, Barringer Detection & Protection Systems, BearingPoint, Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton, CACI, DynCorp, Eastman Kodak, ESRI, General Dynamics, General Electric, Harris, Hitachi, Honeywell, IBM, Iridium Satellites, Deloitte Consulting, KPMG, Israel Aircraft Industries, Loral Skynet, L-3, Lockheed Martin, Motorola, Nextel, Oracle, Parsons, Raytheon, SAIC, Smith's Detection, Sony, 3M, Textron, Titan, and many other firms. Further details are at http://www.globalsecurity.bz/.



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