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Investing in Russia & CIS

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 23, 2004

NEW YORK, NEW YORK - Sachs Associates, in association with Bloomberg LP, and with the support of the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council, is pleased to announce the


9th Annual Conference – Investing in Russia & CIS,

which will take place 10 March 2005

The Plaza Hotel, New York


The Conference will include: Investing in Russia: The Political Context Investing in Russia Telecoms & IT Sector Financial Sector Outlook & Regulations Restructuring UES Mergers & Acquisitions Debt & Equity Capital Markets Ukraine Oil & Gas Corporate Presentations


Keynote Presentations From:

Ian Bremmer, President, Eurasia Group

William Browder, Managing Director, Hermitage Capital Management

Sergey Dubinin, Member of Management Board, RAO UES of Russia

Andrey Kruglov, Member of the Board, Head of Finance & Economics, Gazprom

Eugene K. Lawson, President, The US-Russia Business Council

Vladimir Lechtman, Partner, Jones Day

Andrew Somers, President, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

Hubert Pandza, Business Group Director, Russia and Central Asia, EBRD

Leonid Reiman*, Russian Minister of IT and Communications

Dimitri Simes, President, The Nixon Center

Oleg Vyugin, President, Federal Financial Markets Service


In its 9th year this event is the prime US based investor forum for Russia and CIS, and is a forum in which many of the major issuers, corporate and financial leaders network and build their portfolio of contacts for the coming year. Places at this event are strictly limited. For registration please contact Sachs Associates, Investor Conference in Association with Bloomberg LP, by Tel:  +44 207 405 5544, Fax: +44 207 405 4411 or email Registrations@sachsforum.com,


For further information, please contact Val Kogan, President of the Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council at phone: (215) 708-2628, or email val@ma-rbc.org or visit the MARBC website at www.ma-rbc.org


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