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3rd Annual Russia and CIS Airfinance Conference

3rd Annual Russia and CIS Airfinance Conference is presented by the Airfinance Journal and Euromoney Seminars and is supported by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council.

3rd Annual Russia and CIS Airfinance Conference Brochure
(PDF file)

With Russian carriers reporting 40% growth in passenger numbers, and many airlines needing to replace their aircraft urgently - opportunities for those involved in commercial aviation in Russia and the CIS are constantly arising.

After two successful years, Airfinance Journal's Russia and CIS Airfinance Conferenceis now established as a must-attend event for anyone serious about doing business in the region.

With speakers representing both Russian and CIS carriers and over 150 attendees in 2004, this year's conference will once again be an excellent opportunity for delegates to listen to market leaders debate the key issues facing the industry.

10% discount to your members and key contacts. The conference is scheduled for 21st and 22nd of June 2005 at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski in Moscow, Russia.


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