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EPAM (http://www.epam.com), recently named No.1 of "Top 5 to Watch in Central and Eastern Europe" and No.3 of global "Top 10 Specialty Application Development Leaders" in the first "Offshore 100" round-up of top global offshore ITO and BPO service providers, will sponsor the Russian - American Conference and Exhibition, taking place from June 28 - 30, 2005 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, NY. With development centers in Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe, EPAM strives to support further business and technology cooperation between U.S. and Russian companies.

Logrus is offering a full set of multilingual localization and translation services for various industries, and top-notch software engineering and testing for all languages, including BiDi and double-byte ones. The company is proud of its unique problem-solving skills and minimal support requirements.

The company offers all European and Asian as well as many rare languages through its offices and established, long-term partners. With its production site in Moscow, Russia, Logrus provides a winning combination of quality, experience and affordability.

During its 12+ years in business the company has received multiple awards for excellence in various areas of localization from its long-time customers, including IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Oracle, and others.

About Logrus International (PDF file)

See images from Presenting C3 EXPO in Russia

C3 Complimentary Sessions
(PDF file)


NEW YORK, NY - The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) is pleased to announce the Russian - American Conference and Exhibition, which will take place in conjunction with the Corporate and Channel Computing Expo (C3 EXPO) from June 28 - 30, 2005 at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City, NY. This comprehensive program will conclude the 2nd Semi-Annual Russian - American Innovation Technology Week, the largest undertaking of Russian - American business cooperation in the Mid-Atlantic States. The program, organized by the MARBC and sponsored by EPAM and Logrus, will provide opportunities for further business and technology cooperation between U.S. and Russian companies, and includes a seminar, panel discussions, and a special Russian Pavilion (booth # 3551). The Russian Pavilion, organized by the MARBC, will have an extensive display in the Exhibit Hall featuring the vast array of Russian science and technology capabilities.

Since the establishment of CeBIT America in 2003, the Russian Conference, organized by the MARBC, has become an important component of the CeBIT America international program. In 2004, CeBIT America was acquired by H.A. Bruno LLC, and C3 EXPO will now continue undertakings and programs that originated in the context of earlier CeBIT America Trade Shows.

This year the main part of the Russian Conference will be held on June 29. The program on this day includes panels and presentations covering the most promising and pressing issues of Russian-American business and technology cooperation. The "Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S. Business" seminar is a vital part of the Russian Conference; the seminar highlights various institutes, scientists and projects in Russia, and includes presentations by U.S. corporations with significant technology transfer collaboration experience in Russia. The presenters include a diverse group of representatives ranging from major corporations to small businesses, and from research universities to technology associations and foundations.

Another important event of the Russian Conference is the panel called "Doing Business in Eurasia: Resources and Tips". This panel will include U.S. Department of Commerce/BISNIS representatives from Novosibirsk and Tomsk, Russia, and Yerevan, Armenia, who work to help establish collaboration between U.S. businesses and companies from their countries. All the panel members, including the speaker from the Embassy of Belarus, will give a brief overview of the science and technologies strengths of their respective regions and will discuss some promising organizations and potential areas for cooperation.

A delegation from the Russian Federation, representing companies in the information technology, telecommunications and other technology industries, will be present to engage in two days of panel discussions and exhibit the latest advancements in Russian technology for the duration of the C3 EXPO.

In 2005, C3 EXPO will be launched as a major annual corporate and channel computing show. The event will be produced and managed by H.A. Bruno, a company well known for its trade show. The company originated and developed PC EXPO, which will now become a part of C3 EXPO, as well other high-tech trade shows. Responding to a vacuum in the marketplace created by the recent cancellation of several technology events throughout the United States, the Bruno firm acquired certain assets of the former CeBIT America show, produced by Deutsche Messe AG. Marketed both nationally and internationally, C3 EXPO is the only industry event that brings exhibitors together with thousands of corporate buyers and channel resellers. C3 EXPO will include a conference program, a progressive forum including expert speakers and recognized industry observers, who will discuss the trends and the issues that are affecting the implementation of technology. C3 Expo is one of only 35 trade shows selected to participate in the Commerce Department's International Buyer Program (IBP) this year. It will bring delegations of foreign buyers looking for U.S. products to the show.

Visit http://www.c3expo.com/PR5.cfm for C3 EXPO media release "C3 EXPO to Link Russian, American Technology and Businessae

Participation in the Russian program is free of charge. MARBC provides Russian program participants and our invited guests with a complimentary expo pass (use MARBC input priority code GPMAR when registering http://www.c3expo.com/registration.cfm). For more information and registration, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council by phone:  (215) 708-2628, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at http://www.ma-rbc.org 

The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Conference

"Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S Companies"

in conjunction with the 2005 C3 EXPO

 June 28-29, 2005

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

655 West 34th Street

New York City, NY





June 28, 2005 


10:15 AM - 10:45 AM    

Introduction of the 2nd Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week 

  • Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council


June 29, 2005 

 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM     MARBC Theater

Welcome - Opening Remarks

  • Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the USA
  • Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM     MARBC Theater

"Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S Companies" Seminar

  • Moderator: Paul R. Smith, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Moscow (Retired)
  • John Gallagher, Chairman, United States Industry Coalition 

.       Patricia M. Cloherty, Delta Private Equity Partners

.       Ellen Shapiro House, BISNIS, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce

12:45 PM - 1:30 PM     MARBC Theater

Information Technology Panel

  • Moderator: John Gallagher, Chairman, United States Industry Coalition
  • Julia Simonova, Vice President, Luxoft
  • Boris Goldstein, ITV Group
  •  Alex Akerman, President, Greycourt 


1:30 PM - 2:30 PM     MARBC Theater

Russian Technology Companies Panel

  • Moderator: John Gallagher, Chairman, United States Industry Coalition
  • Arkadiy Dobkin, CEO, EPAM
  • Len Erlikh, Founder and CTO, BridgeQuest
  • Iakov Grinberg, Institute for Systems Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences 
  • Igor Zotov, Pulsar-Ecotech
  • Lev Reyzis, Fine Metal Powders Company


2:30 PM - 3:45 PM     MARBC Theater

"Technology Opportunities for U.S. Businesses in the Newly Independent States"

  • Moderator: Paul R. Smith, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy in Moscow (Retired)
  • Nikolai Lepeshko, Consul General of Belarus
  • Ellen Shapiro House, International Trade Specialist, BISNIS/U.S. Department of Commerce in Washington, DC
  • George Isayan, Representative, BISNIS in Yerevan, Armenia
  • Mark Shulgov, Representative, BISNIS in Tomsk, Russia
  • Azim Mamanov, Representative, BISNIS in Novosibirsk, Russia 


3:45 PM - 4:00 PM     MARBC Theater

Closing Remarks - Conclusion of the 2nd Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week


Attend C3 EXPO compliments of
Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council

Booth # 3551
For those involved in the business of Corporate IT, C3 EXPO is the place to be.
Its the right show.
In the right place.
At the right time.
C3 – The Corporate & Channel Computing Expo – will give you the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the industrys leaders from today's top IT companies. Take advantage of C3 EXPOs comprehensive conference and seminar program while networking with your peers in the C3 exhibition hall.

C3 is much more than a buying and selling marketplace. Its your forum to learn about the latest advances in corporate information technology:
  • Make more informed purchase decisions
  • Survey the industry at one time in one place
  • Be an integral part of driving growth for your business
    To receive a FREE exhibit hall pass to C3 EXPO, pre-register on-line before June 21, 2005 with source code GPMAR.

    source code: GPMAR
    Featured Media Sponsors & Partners:

    Spring is here. Baseball season has begun, we've turned our clocks ahead, and it's also now time to start planning your spring conference season and allocate training budgets.

    C3 EXPO - the Corporate and Channel Computing Expo -- is a newly formatted event in New York City June 28-30 at Javits Center. This program brings together the best of two well-known events of the past: CeBIT America and PC Expo/TechXNY. With a completely new conference program, an interesting and compelling mix of US and international exhibitors, and partners from across the technology sector this event is one you need to take note of.

    Developed by technology event managers from H. A. Bruno, Inc., the creator of PC Expo some two decades ago and with support from CMP Media, the leading publisher of channel books Computer Reseller News and VAR Business. C3 EXPO brings together today's technology elite. Also working hard to bring the latest information to you are editors from Inc./Fast Company, InfoWorld and Computer Security Institute, along with executives from Women in Technology International (WITI), the America Stock Exchange, Heron Ventures Inc., and the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association (CTIA). Take a moment to check out the latest offerings from C3 EXPO and REGISTER ONLINE today!


    Security isn't just top of mind for business managers today; it is also one of the most critical issues in companies of all sizes. C3 EXPO has teamed with the editors of the Computer Security Institute (CSI) to present a special security track, featuring some of the nation's top experts. CSI was founded in 1974 and provides education and training to information, computer and network security professionals.

    Among the programs in this special track is a session on smart cards and authentication, and topics including "Crypto 101", "Computer Forensic Primer", and "How to Measure & Benchmark Your Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery Programs". Click here to check out the complete computer security track online.


    The Mid-Atlantic Russia Business Council once again will present a panel of Russian technology executives and experts at a session during C3 EXPO in New York City. MARBC is developing a special two-week "Russian American Innovation Technology Program" centered on a delegation visit with Russian business leaders and politicians, and the C3 EXPO conference.

    "These events promise to make the year 2005 a special year for Russian-American technology cooperation in the Mid-Atlantic region," said Mr. Val Kogan, president of the Mid-Atlantic Russia Business Council. "Our objective is improved business and cultural relationships between U.S. and Russian companies, and C3 EXPO is a great forum for us".

    Past delegations have brought top Russian business executives seeking distribution and manufacturing partnerships, and technology companies presenting their solutions to U.S. businesses. IT sourcing and off-shore services management are two of the leading segments of the Russian technology market, and will be part of the discussion and panel during C3 EXPO in New York as well.


    C3 EXPO and the International Academy of Science (IAS) will be presenting three half-day Gigabit Ethernet Networking Training courses this June. The programs, led by Dr. Jay Potter of the IAS, covers topics from 10/11/1000 Ethernet network standards and network performance planning, network management, how to build a robust and redundant network and tune it for high reliability. The session concludes with a certification examination. Registration for this special program is required as seating is limited. Sign-up Today Online.

    Free Expo Registration
    Source Code: VSNWSB

    Requires Windows Media Player

    Industry Leaders at C3 EXPO



    Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) Sponsors Conference Sessions, Hosts Delegation at C3 EXPO, June 28-30, 2005 in New York


    NEW YORK, NY, February 8, 2005 -– Researching and promoting the technology marketplace that links Russia to the Mid-Atlantic U.S. market, is the overall focus for a conference program, and the special visit of a Russian delegation, to the upcoming Corporate and Channel Computing Expo (or C3 EXPO). The show is scheduled for June 28-30, 2005 at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.


    With the objective of developing improved business and cultural partnerships between U.S. companies in the Mid-Atlantic region and Russian technology companies to the same region, the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) is working with H.A. Bruno LLC, organizers of the C3 EXPO event.


    Celebrating 10 years of promoting technology and business cooperation this year, MARBC has developed one of its largest events in 2005 will be the 2nd Semi-Annual Russian American Innovation Technology Week, which will run June 18-30, 2005.  The MARBC presence at the C3 EXPO event will also include an exhibit floor of the best Russian companies.


    C3 EXPO show director Mark Dineen said, "We are delighted to work with the MARBC to identify one of the best programs that our exhibitors and attendees can participate in as part of C3 EXPO, and to promote a spirit of perestroika between our two sides of the information technology universe."


    Val Kogan, president of the MARBC, said his organization has developed past events that successfully balanced business, information technology and education and that fostered relationships that American companies and the delegations from Russia.


    "These events promise to make the year 2005 a special year for Russian-American technology cooperation in the Mid-Atlantic region," said Mr. Kogan. "We are delighted to be working with the H.A. Bruno team, and look forward to meeting the exhibiting companies and the attendees at C3 EXPO."


    In addition to the conference program, the MARBC Russian Technology Pavilion will feature an extensive display of Russian science and technology capabilities. A delegation from the Russian Federation, representing I.T. and companies from related industries, will be on hand to engage in a panel discussion and to exhibit the latest advancements in Russian technology.


    This sponsorship represents another feature of C3 EXPO that affirms the scope of the event, enhancing its reputation as a truly international trade show. C3 EXPO is bringing together major exhibitors, industry analysts, resellers and industry channel partners, innovative technology companies and international attendees.  C3 EXPO has been selected by the U.S Department of Commerce as an event for foreign attendees, an International Buyers Program event, a singular honor for a first-year event. C3 EXPO has already been selected by the International Buyers Program for the 2006 event.


    For more information about C3 EXPO, and to register, visit the event's Web site at: www.c3expo.com.


    As part of its effort to establish the Mid-Atlantic region as a leading partner for Russian-American technology cooperation, the MARBC has expanded most in this area over the past few years. From 2001 through 2003, the MARBC worked with the U.S. Department of State, organized a 13-seminar series, entitled "Russian Science and Technology Opportunities for U.S. Businesses." The MARBC will continue the Series with 5 new seminars; the series will kick off at the C3 EXPO event.


    The MARBC organizes more than 25 events annually, including many targeted to companies in this industry. Since mid-1997, the MARBC has been actively involved in developing cooperation with the Russian regions with the most developed technology.


    C3 EXPO will bring corporate and channel buyers of information technology products and services together the computer industry's leading manufacturers, channel partners and industry experts. 


    On the show floor and in the conference program, C3 EXPO attendees will learn about the latest products, technologies and trends driving the industry. H.A. Bruno is working with industry experts in planning a dedicated C3 EXPO conference program, sponsorship opportunities and the growth of the show.


    About H.A. Bruno, LLC

    H.A. Bruno, LLC, with its U.S. headquarters in Paramus, NJ, has extensive experience in producing and managing trade shows and conferences that create results-oriented markets for buyers and sellers in the following industries: information technology, franchise business, converting and packaging materials, as well as events in health management and wellness. For decades, the company has provided its clients with a highly trained, customer-oriented staff that is highly regarded in the trade show business for its industry knowledge, its record of client service, and its responsive management team that has produced world-class events and conferences.


    About Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council (MARBC)

    Since 1994 the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) has worked to foster business relations between Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS), and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region, while cultivating mutual appreciation of political, economic, cultural and educational interests. The goal of the MARBC is to enable companies based in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region to enhance their positions in Russia and the NIS, and to attract Russian businesses to the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region.



    One Whole...

    ...Is Better Than Two Halves

    PC EXPO and CeBIT America have gone, but the demand for a quality corporate I.T. event remains.

    Here's Why Your Company Should Be A Part of C3 EXPO Next June:
    • Industry Demand - C3 EXPO fills the void in the I.T. event marketplace left by exiting shows such as PC EXPO, CeBIT America and COMDEX.
    • The Right Promotion - C3 EXPO has acquired the combined visitor database of both PC EXPO and CeBIT America, and is forging promotional partnerships daily with organizations such as CMP Media, The Wall Street Technology Association, the New York Software Industry Association, The Entertainment Technology Alliance and more.
    • The Right Time - June is a key time for product launches and announcements in the IT industry.
    • The Right Place - New York City is the business capital of the world, the place Fortune 500 companies call home.

    Learn What C3 EXPO Can Do For You

    Mark Dineen
    Show Director
    Tel: (201) 226-1130 ext. 114

    C3 EXPO is the right tradeshow. At the right time. In the right place.



    -- H.A. Bruno, LLC, Introduces New Industry Venue, June 28-30, 2005, for Volume Buyers and Aligns with CMP Media --

    PARAMUS, NJ, and MANHASSET, NY, September 21, 2004 - Bringing corporate and channel buyers together with the computer industry's premier manufacturers and channel partners, in the nation's most dynamic business marketplace for the purchasing of technology, is the mission of a new major industry event, C3 EXPOSM.

    C3 EXPO (the abbreviated name for Corporate and Channel Computing Expo) will take place June 28-30, 2005 at the Javits Convention Center in New York City, and will be produced and managed by the Ianuzzi family, well-known for its trade show successes under its corporate name of H.A. Bruno, and later Bruno Blenheim and Blenheim Group USA. The Ianuzzi family originated and developed PC EXPO and other high-tech trade shows.

    Responding to a vacuum in the marketplace created by the recent cancellation of several technology events throughout the United States, the Bruno firm announced today the acquisition of certain assets of the former CeBIT America show, produced by Deutsche Messe AG. H.A. Bruno will team with CMP Media LLC, which will be the primary media sponsor and conference contributor for the new event. H.A. Bruno and CMP Media will be announcing further updates on this new event and rolling it out to exhibitors and attendees at the upcoming TECHXNY, taking place October 5-7, 2004 at the Javits Convention Center.

    Ralph Ianuzzi Jr., managing member of H.A. Bruno, LLC, said, "With the assumption of CeBIT's prime June 2005 time slot at the Javits Center, and our strategic alliance with CMP Media, as well as our being designated as part of the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Buyers Program, it's all systems go for C3 EXPO to provide the computer industry with the world class event that it's crying out for."

    Steve Weitzner, COO of CMP Media added, "Industry exhibitors are seeking an influential, nationally-recognized event with a new assessment of their needs to bring them together with corporate buyers." Mr. Weitzner went on to say, "The collaboration between CMP Media and H.A. Bruno provides C3 EXPO with an excellent opportunity to succeed. With our comprehensive group of high-technology publications combined with our extensive industry knowledge, we feel that we are uniquely qualified to support C3 in achieving its mandate."

    Mr. Ianuzzi explained, "In our discussions with industry leaders on both the vendor and buyer sides, we learned that not only is there a need for C3 EXPO, but that the whole concept makes great business sense. Our plan for C3 EXPO -- to bring the industry together in an atmosphere that facilitates commerce, mind share and best practices -- will ensure the efficient use of vendor marketing budgets and buyer travel dollars."

    As the organizers of C3 EXPO, H.A. Bruno, LLC, will market the event nationally and internationally to potential exhibitors representing the technology marketplace. The focus of C3 EXPO will include: Windows, Linux and Open Source computing, database management, network computing, utility computing, systems integration, security (including RFID), online commerce, wireless and mobile workforce applications, and communications (including WiFi, WiMax), and Voice Over IP (VoIP). Planning of the event will include cross-marketing opportunities with the leading associations, trade and business media and thought leaders of the technology world, according to Mr. Ianuzzi.

    "In addition to our association with CMP Media, we are engaged in high-level discussions with industry trade associations, user groups and publishers, representing both the corporate buyer and the channel marketplace," Mr. Ianuzzi said. "The support of these potential partners will guarantee that the event is relevant to the changing needs of today's business environment. It is natural to draw a national audience to New York City, as well as the international channel buyer, as we proved able to do in the past. With this launch, we are making a long-term commitment to C3 EXPO, and our investment in promoting C3 EXPO to the marketplace will reflect that commitment."

    H.A. Bruno expects to market the event to technology buyers from the industrial and commercial sectors with a strong presence in the New York region, including the financial, insurance, banking, communications, pharmaceutical and other business industries

    C3 EXPO organizers are currently creating an industry advisory board to assist in planning the overall event, drawing from long-term relationships with corporate technology and channel experts. H.A. Bruno will work with CMP Media and others, to create a dedicated conference committee to plan the seminar program. Each committee will be a hands-on group of influential industry leaders, explained Mr. Ianuzzi, and will provide active involvement in creating a tradeshow and conference that will be useful and responsive to the industry.

    "The sales and marketing team for C3 EXPO will be top-notch in every way, well- seasoned, client-oriented and market-savvy about the computer technology industry and its new business direction. Many will have worked with us in the past and are well known to the industry as competent and dedicated professionals." said Mr. Ianuzzi. "H.A. Bruno, LLC, also will bring together an experienced management and operations team, and identify appropriate industry partners, to build C3 EXPO into a world-class event."

    In 1982, H.A. Bruno, Inc., conceived and introduced the original PC EXPO in New York, which prospered for over two decades as the industry's focused event for introducing new technology to the corporate computing and channel audience.
    For more information about C3 EXPO, please contact Mark Dineen at: (201) 226-1130, or via e-mail to: mdineen@C3expo.com.) The contact address for C3 EXPO is: H.A. Bruno, LLC; 210 East Route 4, Suite #304; Paramus, NJ 07652.

    About H.A. Bruno, LLC
    H.A. Bruno, LLC, with its U.S. headquarters in Paramus, N.J., has extensive experience in producing and managing trade shows and conferences that create results-oriented markets for buyers and sellers in the following industries: information technology, franchise business, converting and packaging materials, as well as events in health management and wellness. For decades, the company has provided its clients with a highly trained, customer-oriented staff that is highly regarded in the trade show business for its industry knowledge, its record of client service, and its responsive management team that has produced world-class events and conferences.

    About CMP Media LLC
    CMP Media LLC (www.cmp.com) is a leading integrated media company providing essential information and marketing services to the entire technology spectrum-the builders, sellers and users of technology worldwide. Capitalizing on its editorial strength, CMP is uniquely positioned to offer marketers comprehensive, integrated media solutions tailored to meet their individual needs. Its diverse products and services include newspapers, magazines, Internet products, research, direct marketing services, education and training, trade shows and conferences, and custom publishing.
    # # #
    C3 EXPOSM is a service mark of H.A. Bruno, LLC

    All other names are trademarks or service marks of their respective companies. 9/20/04

    For information on exhibiting, please contact:
    Mark Dineen
    (201) 226-1130

    Press Release 09/21/04


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    Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
    between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia