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The 9th Annual U.S. - Russian Investment Symposium "Russia and the U.S.: Partners in the World Economy"

Presented by:

International Economic Alliance


Dear Colleague,

On behalf of our Chairman, former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Robert Mosbacher, and the founder of the US-Russian Investment Symposium Harvard Professor Graham Allison, I am writing to invite you to participate in the 9th Annual US-Russian Investment Symposium, which will be held on October 31st - November 2nd, 2005 in Boston, MA. The annual Pre-Symposium workshops lead by Harvard Business School Professors will be held on October 31st at the Harvard Club in Boston.

We also invite you to attend the US-Ukrainian Investment Symposium held on October 31st also at the Harvard Club in Boston. Please visit www.IEAlliance.org for the most up to date agenda and speaker list.

This year's Symposium presents an unprecedented opportunity to hear from and network with leading experts including delegations from the EBRD, IFC, World Bank, NYSE, NASDAQ, and the NASD. You will also have the chance to hear from U.S. and Russian Government officials as well as top business executives from Russia.

Keynote speakers include:

Minister German Gref*, Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Russian Federation

Carlos Gutierrez*, United States Secretary of Commerce

Andrei Illarionov, Advisor to President Putin, Russian Federation

Minister Leonid Reiman, Minister for IT and Telecoms, Russian Federation

Jean Lemierre, President, EBRD

Robert Glauber, President & CEO, The National Association of Securities Dealers Inc.

Speakers include:

-Rawi Abdelal, Professor, Harvard Business School

-Johnny Akerholm, CEO, Nordic Investment Bank

-Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University

-Anders Aslund, Director and Senior Associate, Russian and Eurasian Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

-Alexander Braverman, President and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Russian Marketing Association

-Warren P. Browne, General Manager, Russia and CIS

-Ambassador James F. Collins, Senior International Adviser , Akim Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld L.L.P

-Timothy Colton, Professor and Director of the Davis Center for Eurasian and Russian Studies, Harvard University

-Charlotte Crosswell, Head of NASDAQ International, NASDAQ

-Noreen Culhane, Executive Vice-President, Global Corporate Client Group, NYSE

-Mira Davidovski, Partner, Salans

-Robert Glauber, President & CEO, The National Association of Securities Dealers Inc.

-Helena Hessel, Director, Sovereign Ratings Group, Standard and Poors

-Jack Kemp, Former U.S. Secretary of H.U.D., Chariman, Kemp Partners

-Peter Koelle, Chairman of the Board of the Directors, International Moscow Bank

-Robert Lawrence, Professor, John F. Kennedy School of Government

-Eugene Lawson, President, US-Russia Business Council

-Jean Lemierre, President, EBRD

-Mikhail Margelov, Chairman, Committee of International Affairs, Council of the Federation

-Robert Mosbacher, Former US Secretary of Commerce, Chairman, Mosbacher Energy Company

-Edward Nassim, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, IFC

-Hubert Pandza, Business Group Director, Russia & Central Asia, EBRD

-Michel Perhirin, President, Raiffeisenbank

-Thomas Pickering, Senior Vice President, International Relations, The Boeing Company

-Vladimir Pozner, President, Russian Academy of Television, Host of TV program ,Vremena 0/00, Channel One

-Alex Rodzianko, CEO of Deutsche Bank Russia

-Paul Rodzianko, Senior Vice President, Access Industries

-Blair Ruble, Director, Kennan Institute, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

-Malcolm S. Salter, James J Hill-Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

-Andrew Somers, President, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia

-Armen Sarkissian, Director, Eurasia Research Programme, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge

-Helen Teplitskaia, President American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

-Garegin Tosunyan, President, Association of Russian Banks

-Johan Vanderplaetse, Vice President, Alcatel ZAO

-Robert Wussler, CEO, Ted Turner Pictures, Inc.

-Dmitri Yakushkin, Executive Director, Russian-American Business Council, Communications Director, Highland Gold

-Daniel Yergin, Chairman, Cambridge Energy Research Associates


As Presidents Putin and Bush have stressed, the need to accelerate the pace of Russia,s economic growth serves as a timely call to action this year. The US-Russian Investment Symposium is being held at a crucial time when the spotlight is on Russia,s place on the world stage and its economic power is ascending. As foreign investment increases, how will Russia position and portray itself in a global economy? This becomes more important as it now also invests externally in many global and US-Russian joint ventures. How is faster economic progress possible through such partnerships? Which of Russia,s important economic sectors will be affected and what are the implications for investors?

Harvard History

Established at Harvard in 1997 by mandate from the US and Russian Governments, it has been the forum of choice for senior leaders from business, government, academia, and finance seeking to gain deeper understanding of Russia,s business climate while advancing existing and new business opportunities. Drawing on this legacy and conceived within Harvard, the IEA now independently hosts these Symposia.

Please join us for these historic US-Russian and US-Ukrainian economic dialogues. To register, please mail or fax the form, or sign up quickly on our website www.IEAlliance.org

I look forward to welcoming you to the Symposium.


Van McCormick, Director

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