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Silicon Valley Open Doors

American Business Association of Russian Professionals (AmBAR) is pleased to invite the members of Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council to attend first annual US Russia Technology Investment conference - Silicon Valley Open Doors. The Conference will take place at Quadrus Conference Center on Sand Hill Road and at Stanford University on November 14-16, 2005.

The event will bring together young technology companies and entrepreneurs from Russia and Former Soviet Union and top tier US venture capital firms as well as technology, marketing and business development professionals from the leading Silicon Valley companies.

The program will include companies, exhibits, presentations of business plans as well as individual training sessions, and seminars conducted by the leading venture capitalists, Stanford GSB faculty, US lawyers and experts in the areas of entrepreneurial finance, business development and general management.

The event will provide US venture capitalists with unique opportunity to evaluate prospective technology investment opportunities originated Russia and Former Soviet Union countries as well as to build a bridge to one of the most promising emerging technology markets.

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council is a partner for this event.

To get more information and to register, please visit: http://www.svod.org/

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