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Venture Scene Mid-Atlantic

Mid-Atlantic - Russis Business Council (MARBC) is pleased to announce and invite you to:

Venture Scene Mid-Atlantic

Tuesday, April 4, 2006
8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Pepper Hamilton, LLP
Philadelphia, PA

The event will feature a discussion by active early stage investors and high-level networking.

VC & Angel Speakers include:

  • Bob Adelson, Founder, Osage Investments
  • Sang Ahn, Principal, Dawntreader Ventures
  • Richard Harris, Managing Partner, SpaceVest Capital
  • Jennifer Hartt, Director of Life Science Investments, Ben Franklin Technology Partners
  • Brian Hirsch, Managing Partner, Silicon Alley Venture Partners
  • Maria Maccecchini, Angel Investor, Robinhood Ventures

08:00 am - 08:45 am Registration/Breakfast & Networking
08:45 am - 09:00 am Welcome Remarks
09:00 am - 10:00 am Panel Discussion/Q&A
10:00 am - 10:45 am Company Presentations
10:45 am - 11:15 am Networking
11:15 am Adjournment

Continental breakfast will be served.

Note: "Early Bird" registration savings expire Tuesday, March 28th.
Entrepreneurs: $45 ($65 Regular - $95 at the door)
Investors: $45 ($65 Regular - $95 at the door)
Service Providers/Others: $65 ($85 Regular - $150 at the door)

Call for Companies:
A select group of companies from life sciences, technology, and other sectors will have the opportunity to present their innovations before this prominent audience of VCs, angel investors and potential strategic partners. If you are seeking funding and would like to be considered, email Joe Benjamin at iwant2present@youngstartup.com. (Fees apply.)

Pepper Hamilton LLP
Two Logan Square
Eighteenth and Arch Streets
Philadelphia, PA

For more information or to RSVP by phone please call (718) 477-2208 or visit http://www.youngstartup.com/events/index.phtml?ysveid=84&panel=view


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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia