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Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council to Organize Russian Construction Industry Delegation Visit to the United States


List of Delegation Memgbers

Philadelphia, PA - The Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council (MARBC) is pleased to announce it will be organizing a delegation of Russian construction industry executives visiting the United States from June 7-14, 2006. The delegation will be coming from Krasnodar Krai, a region in the southwestern corner of Russia, with a goal of learning about the modern techniques and materials used in American construction.

The delegation’s visit will begin in New York, where MARBC has organized a special construction industry business program on June 9. Then, delegation members will travel to Philadelphia, where they will be staying from June 12-14. While in Philadelphia, MARBC has arranged for the delegation to meet with Philadelphia city officials. MARBC has also organized individual meetings for the delegation with members of Pennsylvania’s building and financial industries on June 12 and 13: delegation members will attend a seminar on commercial construction financing, a presentation on sustainable building at architecture firm and will tour a local high-rise construction site.

Since the delegation’s visit is also part of the Russian-American Cultural Exchange, MARBC has also planned for delegation members to attend a special “Princess and the Patriot” exhibit being held at the Museum of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia. The exhibit is part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, the first American member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It presents Franklin’s life in a novel fashion, placing him alongside Ekaterina Dashkova, a Russian intellectual counterpart who Franklin nominated to be the first female and the first Russian member of the American Philosophical Society. The interactions between Franklin and Dashkova represent an early example of the long history of Russian-American cooperation.

For further details about visit of the Russian construction industry delegation, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council, by phone: (215) 708-2628, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org

About the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council. Since 1994, MARBC has worked to foster business relations between Russia and the Newly Independent States (NIS), and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region, while cultivating mutual appreciation of political, economic, cultural, and educational interests. Throughout the past eleven years, the goal of MARBC has been to enable companies based in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region to enhance their positions in Russia and the NIS, and to attract Russian businesses to the U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region.


Russian Building and Construction Industry Delegation to the United States
Business Program on June 9 in New York, New York and
on June 12-13 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


June 9, 2006 in New York City

9:15 -10:30 pm
Basic International Development Corporation
17 State Street, 33 Floor, New York

11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Gruzen Sampton LLP
Fox Horan & Camerini LLP
at Gruzen Samton, 320 West 13th Street, New York

1:30-3:30 pm
A tour of the Verdesian Building. Meet in the lobby of the Verdesian at 211 North End Avenue, New York
A “walk around” tour of the InterActiveCorp Building at 11th Avenue between
West 18th Street and West 19th Street, New York
Turner Construction Company

5:30-6:30 pm
Meeting with John Braley and Michelle Garvey
Turner Construction Company
at the Park Central Hotel (870 Seventh Avenue, New York)

7:30 pm
Hoffman International, Inc
300 So. Randolphville Road, Piscataway, NJ

June 11, 2006 in Washington, DC

12:00 pm-4:00 pm
Excursion in Washington, DC

6:00-8:00 pm
Meeting at the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the United States, Washington, DC

June 12, 2006 in Philadelphia

9:00 am-1:00 pm
Excursion in Philadelphia

2:00-4:00 pm
Presentation about the Comcast Center by Henry Steinberg, Director of Leasing for the Comcast Center at Liberty Property Trust
Tour of the Comcast Center construction site led by Jim Verzella, Vice-President at L.F. Driscoll
Meet at Liberty Property Trust offices, 1628 JFK Blvd (8 Penn Center), 11th floor

5:30-6:30 pm
“The Princess and the Patriot: Ekaterina Dashkova, Benjamin Franklin,
and the Age of Enlightenment”
Museum of the American Philosophical Society, adjacent to Independence Hall
104 South 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106

June 13, 2006 in Philadelphia

10:00-11:30 am
Presentation on commercial construction finance by Chris Terlizzi
Citizen’s Bank
2001 Market Street, Suite 600, Philadelphia

12:30-1:30 pm
Meeting and reception with John Gallagher, Chairman, US Industry Coalition
Pyramid Club, 1735 Market Street, 52nd Floor, Philadelphia

2:00-4:00 pm
A tour of the building project at the Philadelphia Shipyard Complex

4:30-6:30 pm
Presentation on sustainable building architecture
Susan Maxman & Partners
1600 Walnut Street, Second Floor, Philadelphia




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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia