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Prestige Media Group Publications
1107 So State Street
Suite 4, Crescent Square
Sandy, UT 84123, USA

Official 2006 G8 Summit Magazine Rate Card and Advertising Specifications

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March 27th, 2006

Val Kogan - President
Mid - Atlantic - Russia Business Council
Tel: 484-467-7444

Dear Val,

Prestige Event Publications is pleased to announce that it is once again publishing the G8 Summit magazine for this year's G8 Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. This marks the tenth consecutive year that we have published this informative and insightful look at issues of global importance.

The 2006 G8 Summit will be hosted for the first time by Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, and therefore will be an extraordinary meeting. Russia was invited to become G8 member in 1997. This will take place on July 17th - 20th, 2006. The summit provides a forum for leaders of the G8 nations to have face-to-face discussions among themselves and with other invited world leaders on the most pressing global issues.

This year, the dominant issues will be the environment and global climate change, energy and alternative energy sources, global terrorism, aid for re-development in Africa, health issues encompassing the growth and importance of the biotechnology industry, cancer and infectious disease research.

Editorial features of the publication will cover these major topics and there will be a special section on "Investing and Trade with Russia". There will also be the customary sections for each G8 nation, which are introduced by official statements from each G8 nation's leader. An official first time welcome introduction by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, will precede introductions by the respective G8 nation.

You have the opportunity of presenting your message to 25 heads of state, including the E.U., leading government officials from each of these nations, major industry representatives and members of the world press covering the event. This year's summit promises to be one of the largest G8 summits ever held.

In addition, this highly targeted publication will reach in excess of 25,000 of the world's leading decision makers, including the departments of trade, industry and commerce of all the participating nations and the European Union's seventeen countries, who will receive the publication to distribute to their respective industry members. It will also be distributed on Delta Airlines and Aeroflot worldwide for three months (July, August and September).

I would be delighted to give you a full page of editorial free of charge as the lead into this major article on investing and trade with Russia, which will be formally introduced by the Minister for Trade. In exchange we would respectfully request you inform your members that we would be prepared to offer them a full page at the sponsors discounted rate $15,900.

As time is of the essence, your immediate response is much appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Yours Truly,

Stefan Tevis
Executive Vice President - Corporate and Government Affairs
Prestige Media Group


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