The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council Hosts
5th Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT)
The Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council cordially invites you to
The Welcoming Ceremony and
The Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference
of the 5th Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week
Mayor’s Reception Room at Philadelphia City Hall
Broad and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
November 20, 2006, 8:30am –12:30pm
Philadelphia, PA - The Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council will host the 5th Russian-American Innovation Technology Week from November 13-21, 2006. Since its inception in 2003, the Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week organized by the Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council, has been the premier event in the Mid-Atlantic region devoted to fostering Russian-American technology cooperation. The Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT) is designed to bring together entrepreneurs, scientists, venture capitalists, and established corporations within the U.S. and Russian technology communities. Based on the success of past events, RANIT is now held twice a year, and it includes an even greater number of regional technology events, seminars, panel discussions, roundtable meetings, trade shows, conferences, and networking events. The 5th RANIT will also include events held in celebration of the 300-year anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, who was the first American member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Russian delegations representing the best Russian technology companies will take part in the various events of the 5th RANIT.
The welcoming ceremony for 5th RANIT and the Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference will be held on November 20 from 8:30am - 12:30pm at Philadelphia City Hall, and will feature an impressive array of speeches and panel discussions. Official presenters will include Federal, state, and city officials, as well as representatives of international trade and technology associations from the Mid-Atlantic states. The MARBC is also organizing panel discussions on Russian high technology capabilities, venture capital, entrepreneurship, and other topics in Russian-American business relationships. The panelists come from a wide variety of organizations with significant experience in Russian-American trade and technology issues, including international trade associations, international companies, venture capitalists, entrepreneur companies involved in Russian-American business, and international law firms with offices in Russia. In addition, there will be a presentation by Russian and Ukrainian trade representatives and embassy officials.
During 5th RANIT, the MARBC will host a major delegation of Russian companies. On November 20, some thirty of these Russian technology companies will be participating in the welcoming ceremony at Philadelphia City Hall, followed by the Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference. The Russian delegates will also present in a special panel focusing on Russian technology, entrepreneurship, and venture capital opportunities.
"Russian Science & Technology Opportunities for U.S Companies" Seminar
"Venture Capital, Technology Transfer, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship
in Russian-American Cooperation"
Russian Technology Companies Panel
The Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council would also like to extend an invitation to an important Russian-American cultural event that is also part of the 5th RANIT program. The evening of November 20, members of the Russian delegation and Conference participants will view “The Princess and the Patriot” exhibit being held at the Museum of the American Philosophical Society, located at 104 South Fifth Street in Philadelphia, from 6-7:30 pm. The exhibit is part of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin, the first American member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. “The Princess and the Patriot” presents Franklin’s life in a novel fashion, placing him alongside Ekaterina Dashkova, a Russian intellectual counterpart who Franklin nominated to be the first female and the first Russian member of the American Philosophical Society. The interactions between Franklin and Dashkova represent an early example of the long history of Russian-American cooperation.
There is no cost for admission to the welcoming ceremony for 5th RANIT and the Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference but you must make a reservation to attend by emailing: rsvp@ma-rbc.org. For further information about the 5th RANIT Welcoming Ceremony and the Russian-American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference at Philadelphia City Hall, “The Princess and the Patriot” exhibit, and the 5th Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week, contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council, by phone: (215) 708-2628, or email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org.
November 20th, 2006, 8:30am - 12:30pm
Welcoming Remarks: Introduction of the 5th
Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week and Russian-American
Technology Entrepreneurship Conference
- Mjenzi Traylor, First Deputy Director of Commerce, City of Philadelphia
- Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council
- Joe Burke, Director, Office of International Business
Development, Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic
- Rebecca Faber, Executive Director, World Trade
Center Delaware
- George Burrell, President and CEO, Innovation PhiladelphiaStephen
Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
- Jean Marie Marchetto, Director, World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia
- Greg Goldman, Chief Executive Officer, Wireless Philadelphia
- Andrey
Dolgorukov, Trade Representative, Trade
Representation of the Russian Federation in the USA, Minister Counselor
"Russian Science & Technology
Opportunities for U.S Companies" Panel
- John Gallagher, Chairman, United States Industry Coalition
- Philip H. de Leon,
Director, BISNIS, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of
- Antonio Ceballos, Director, U.S. Export Assistance Center Philadelphia
- Jonathan Nelms, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
- Tama
Director, Fuel Cell Energy Solutions, Air Products and Chemicals
- Oleg Rivkin, Fox Horan & Camerini LLP
Keynote Remarks:
- Tom Moore,
President & CEO, Select Greater Philadelphia
- Daniel Desmond, Deputy Secretary, Office of
Energy and Technology Development, Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection
Russian Technology
Companies Panel
- Vladimir
- Anatoliy
Kozminykh, President, Center of
ecological Initiatives
- Alexander
Kashirin, President, Russian
Union of Business-angels (RUBA)
- Alexey
Konov, Executive Director, Bioprocess
- Oleg
Ibragimov, Director for
innovations, JSC Innovative Technopark IDEA
- Abdulakh Mikitaev, Director General, Makropolymer
“New Technology and Entrepreneurship” Panel
- Chris Pavlides, Executive Director, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Institute, Temple University
- Dan Ross, Executive Director, Entrepreneurs
Forum of Greater Philadelphia
- Irv Safra,
President, Safra and Associates
- Doros Platika, President & CEO, Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse
Closing Remarks
- Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council
November 21st, 2006
Panels for Russian delegation:
- Stephen
Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
- Benjamin Rifkin, Professor of Russian and Vice Dean for
Undergraduate Affairs, Temple University
- Michael
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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia