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"Biotech World 2007" and "Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development"

The 5-th Moscow International Specialized Exhibition BIOTECH WORLD'2007

International Conference Biotechnology: STATE OF THE ART AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT

March 12-16, 2007

The House of Moscow Government

Novy Arbat, 36/9 , Moscow, Russia

Dear Sirs!

We invite you to take part in the Fourth Moscow International Specialized Exhibition "Biotech World 2007" and International Scientific-and-Practical Conference "Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development".


Government of Moscow; Russian Academy of Sciences; Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Russian Federation; Mendeleyev Russian Chemical Society; Russian Union of Chemists; JSC Expo-Biochim-Technologies.

Organized under the auspices of MID-ATLANTIC Russia business council

Information support: Remedium, Informative Publishing Agency; Ecology and Industry of Russia, Journal; Nauka i Zhizn (Science and Life), magazine; Catalysis in Industry, Journal; sensor, SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL MAGAZINE; food industry, MAGAZINE; Chemistry and Life - XXI century, MAGAZINE; WWW.CBIO.RU; WWW.MEDLINE.RU; WWW.RCC.RU; WWW.RUSBIOTECH.RU; WWW.MEDTEX.RU ; MOSCOW PHARMACIES, NEWSPAPER and et.

Subject of the Exhibition:

The entire spectrum of biological products for pharmaceutical, food and agricultural industries, veterinary medicine, geology and industrial enterprises. Biological products for environment protection and recovery. Industrial and laboratory safety. Bioactive additives. Biological substances for medicine and cosmetics and ready products on its basis. Raw materials for manufacture of biological products, culture mediums. Processes and appliances for biotechnological industry and laboratory research, industrial and laboratory equipment. Biological catalysis. Investment and innovative projects etc.

Results of BIOTECH WORLD'2005: 170 companies from 13 countries (Russia, Austria, Belgium, UK, Germany, India, Latvia, Poland, USA, Finland, France, Japan, Sweden) presented their products at the exhibition BIOTECH WORLD'2005: CUNO CIS, Shimadzu, Sigma-Aldrich, Waters Corporation, Millipore S.A.S Moscow Representative Office, Invitrogen TM life technologies, Tosoh Bioscience, INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER (ISTC), Amersham Biosciences, RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences represented their collective expositions and et.

Visitors: 5 700 professional visitors attended BIOTECH WORLD'2005

In the framework of the exhibition BIOTECH WORLD’2007 International Conference “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development”, Symposia and Seminars on actual biotechnology problems will be conducted. The following sections will be included in the program:

I Biotechnology and Medicine
II. Biotechnology and Agriculture
III. Biotechnology and Industry
IV. Biotechnology and Environment
V. Biotechnology and Food Products
VI. Biocatalysis and Biocatalytic Technologies
VII. Biogeotechnology
VIII. Innovations, Finances, and Business
IX. Biotechnology and Education

The 5-th Moscow International Specialized Exhibition BIOTECH WORLD'2007

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Further details about the exhibition are available at: http://www.mosbiotechworld.ru/

For further details about the American program at the exhibition, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council, by phone: (215) 708-2628, email: http://www.ma-rbc.org/event/event/061017-robotics.html, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org/



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