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Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council to Coordinates American Participation
at the 7th International Forum “High Technology of the 21st Century” in Moscow
and extends invitation to “High Technology of the 21st Century” in 2007

Photos from the "High Technology of the 21st Century" in 2006

The Mid-Atlantic- Russia Business (MARBC) recently coordinated the successful American participation in the 7th International Forum “High Technology of the 21st Century in Moscow from April 24-28, 2006. As part of the American program, MARBC President Val Kogan moderated a seminar entitled “Opportunities for Russian-American scientific-technical cooperation” and John Gallagher, Chairman of the United States Industry Coalition, gave a keynote presentation. Mr. Gallagher presented his organization’s goals and the steps the Coalition is taking within the framework of Russian-American technological cooperation. MARBC also organized an American mini-pavilion at the Forum. In addition, along with the Moscow Entrepreneurs Association, MARBC co-organized the innovation competition “Leader in the field of high technology” whose awards ceremony is held as part of the Forum.

MARBC would like to extend an invitation to the 8th International Forum “High Technology of the 21st Century” to be held April 23-27, 2007. As it did this year, MARBC will once again be coordinating American participation in the Forum.

The International Forum takes a two-part form, including both an international exhibition, and a business conference. The Ministry of Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Defense, Federal agencies and Services, the Russian Academy of Science, and government of Moscow all take active parts in the development and direction of the Forum.

The “High Technology of the 21st Century” international exhibition presents technological achievements in the fields of space, radio electronics and communications, information, atomic science, mechanical engineering and metal-working, laser technologies, medicine and biotechnology, ecology, chemistry and new materials, alternative energy and energy- efficient technologies, and safety and security technology. Participants include national and foreign businesses, and organizations specializing in the fields of high technology productions (particularly the defense industry enterprises), as state science centers, academic institutions, financial companies, and investment and venture enterprises.

The Business portion of the Forum includes a series of seminars and round tables, illuminating the problems of innovation activities and financing for scientific projects. Topics related to the attraction of investments into high technology, mechanisms for cooperation among academics and the private sector, intellectual property, improving training systems for industry scientists, problems and solutions arising from large scale integration, and international cooperation in the field of high technology, will be among those discussed. Russian regions will take an active part in the conference. Round tables and seminars will also be organized on the latest trends in science-intensive industries, for example: laser technologies, alternative energy technologies, information technology, and others.

MARBC together with the Committee for Innovation Technology and Venture Financing of the Moscow Entrepreneurs Association, serves as a co-organizer of the innovation competition “Leader in the field of high technology.” The annual competition is run under the patronage of Chamber of Trade and Industry of the Russian Federation, and in association with the government of Moscow. Projects are submitted throughout the year and judged in seven categories: information technology and electronics; transport, fuel, and energy; ecology and natural resources; new materials; production technology; and consumer goods. The winners of the competition receive promotional support and advising through the Committee for Innovation Technology, and have the opportunity to exhibit and present their projects at the Forum. A presentation ceremony for the competition award winners closes the Forum.

For further information on American participation the Forum, please contact Val Kogan, President of the MARBC, by telephone at: (215) 708-2628, by e-mail at: val@ma-rbc.org or visit the MARBC website: www.ma-rbc.org.



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