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1st International Adam Smith Institute Forum

Innovative Drug RD in Russia 2010_Moscow

1st International Adam Smith Institute Forum INNOVATIVE DRUG RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA
Investing in the Future Growth of Pharmaceuticals, Bio-Tech and Clinical Trials
November 17-18, 2010, hotel “Marriott Royal Aurora”, Moscow

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council is supporting the forum and offers you 25% discount* on the attendance fee http://www.adamsmithconferences.com/hr14mabc

This event is the ONLY International Forum focusing on INNOVATIVE DRUG RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA and is designed to be a unique industry platform for discussion, debate and problem-solving for all industry players that are either active or interested in the Russian innovative drug market.

The 40+ -strong speaker faculty features the top names from the Russian innovative drug market, including key Governmental representatives and senior speakers from the leading institutions and organizations investing in the sector, as well as Top-level executives from Russian innovative companies and multinational corporations:

  • Sergey Tsyb, Director of Chemical and Technological Complex and Bioengineering Technologies Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
  • Elena Telnova, Head, Federal Service for the Supervision of Healthcare and Social Development in the Russian Federation
  • Sergei Kolesnikov, Member or Russian Parliament, Deputy-Chairman of Committee for Health Care, State Duma of the RF & President, National Innovative Technology Chamber
  • Ivan Bortnik, Ńhairman of the Supervisory Board, Fund for Promotion of Small Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Area
  • Yury Krestinskiy, Director, Institute of Public Healthcare Development
  • Andrey Ivaschenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors, The ChemRar High-Tech Center
  • Dmitry Morozov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BIOCAD
  • Alexander Shuster, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Masterpharm
  • Mikhail Mogutov, President, Bioprocess Holding of Bioprocess Group
  • Gail Cassell, Vice President of Scientific Affairs, Eli Lilly & Company
  • Hari Sven Krishnan, CPO Head / General Manager, Novartis Pharma
  • Milos Petrovic, General Director, F. Hoffmann La Roche Russia
  • James Class, Director, Global Public Policy, Merck
  • Andrew Rudman, Associate Vice President, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
  • Andrey Vvedensky, Director of Programmes and Projects Department, Russian Venture Company (RVC)
  • Pini Ben–Elazar, CEO, Mor Research Applications
  • Mikhail Samsonov, Chief Scientific Officer, Russia, Novartis Pharma
  • Marat Fazylov, Head of Legal Protection of Licensing, IP Management, Valenta Pharmaceutical
  • Andrey Egorov, General Director, Sotex PharmFirm
  • Maxim Uvarov, General Director, Binnopharm
  • Gennady Shirshov, Executive Director, Society of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations
  • Andrew Somers, President & CEO, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia
  • Alexey Konov, Vice-President, Group of Companies BIOPROCESS & Director on investments in biotechnology, Venture Fund Bioprocess Capital Ventures
  • Dmitry Popov, Managing Partner, Maxwell Asset Management
  • Elena Volskaya, Head, Russian Ethical Committee
  • Andrey Belashov, General Director, Segmentapharm
  • Anna Harrington-Morozova, Director Global Regulatory Affairs APJEM, GlaxoSmithKline
  • Alexey Kovalenko, Chief Scientific Officer, Polysan
  • Tatyana Nikolenko, Director, Infrastructure Projects, The Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO)
  • Leonid Gokhberg, First Pro-Rector, The Higher School of Economics
  • Larisa Popovich, Director, Health Economics Institute, The Higher School of Economics
  • Maxim Akimov, Deputy Governor, Kaluga Region
  • Igor Elfimov, Deputy Governor, Yaroslavl Region
  • Timur Shagivaleev, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Special economic Zone “ALABUGA”
  • Dmitry Khalilov, Partner, Head of the Pharmaceutical Group in the CIS, Ernst & Young
  • Igor Stefanov, Director, General Manager, Synergy Research Group
  • Svetlana Timofeeva, Director, Clinical Operations, Synergy Research Group
  • Jiri Hermanek, Vice President & General Manager East Central Europe (Czech, Hungary, Russia, Slovakia), Genzyme
  • Eric Rasmussen, Director, Industry, Commerce and Agribusiness Team, Russia, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Evguenia Galanina, Associate Banker, Industry, Commerce and Agribusiness Team, Russia, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • Yuriy Oreshin, Partner, Teknoinvest Angelico Ventures
  • Anatoliy Grigoriev, Vice-president, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Madina Torchinova, Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (AIPM)
  • Irina Ivanishcheva, Head of Legal Department, AstraZeneca

  • Gennady Shirshov, Executive Director, Society of Professional Pharmaceutical Organizations
  • Andrew Somers, President & CEO, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia
  • Sergei Kolesnikov, Member or Russian Parliament, Deputy-Chairman of Committee for Health Care, State Duma of the RF & President, National Innovative Technology Chamber
  • Dmitry Morozov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, BIOCAD
  • Dr. Andrey Ivaschenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors, The ChemRar High-Tech Center
  • Mikhail Mogutov, President, Bioprocess Holding of Bioprocess Group
  • Irina Dorokhova, Senior Director, Government Affairs for Russia and CEE, Johnson & Johnson
  • Olga Morozova, Director of Public and Corporate Affairs, Eli Lilly Russia
  • Alexander Bykov, Director, External Affairs & Market Access, Teva Pharmaceuticals Russia
  • Val Kogan, President, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council


  • THE ONE AND ONLY conference covering the entire spectrum of issues related to innovative drugs R&D in Russia
  • 6 Informative sessions, full of unique and topical information
  • 4 interactive panel discussions, focused on the most critical and timely topics
  • 5+ keynotes, featuring leading international speakers who will share their experience, opinions and forecasts for innovation within the pharma market
  • 40+ Top industry speakers
  • PLUS unlimited networking opportunities at social functions and via online networking tool E-Connect, which allows you to pre-arrange meetings to maximise your time spent at the event.


  • KEYNOTE SESSION: Strategic development of innovative drugs in Russia: plans, opportunities and priorities for the future
  • STRATEGIC FOCUS on domestic innovative companies
  • SPECIAL SESSION on International pharmaceutical company strategies and their role in the development of the Russian R&D sector
  • LIVE DEBATE: Funding and opportunities for attracting investment to the sector
  • EXTENDED SESSION on The creation and development of modern pharmaceutical industrial clusters and medical innovation in the regions
  • Interactive discussion on the topic: "Human resources are all-important: how can the shortage of highly qualified professionals be overcome?"
  • INTERACTIVE WORKING GROUP on legal issues affecting the R&D sector in Russia and the establishment of a regulatory framework for innovative technologies in the Russian pharmaceutical industry

Full details about forum are on the website www.adamsmithconferences.com/hr14mabc

Discount details:

For more information, please contact Val Kogan, President of the MARBC, by phone: (484) 467-7444, by e-mail: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website: www.ma-rbc.org.


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