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Dear Executive,

 Recognizing the establishment of Pennsylvania’s Authorized Trade Representative in Russia, which is the first of its kind by any U.S. state, this is a very special year for the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC).  Since 1994, the main priority of the MARBC has been promoting prosperous Russian-American business cooperation by organizing over 25 events annually in the U.S. and Russia, and in order to further buttress Pennsylvania’s initiative this year, we will be arranging the MARBC Month in Russia this March through April.  MARBC traditionally organizes American participation at a number of major events every March & April in Russia, and MARBC has now combined all of these events into the MARBC Month in Russia.  The Pennsylvania Center for Trade Development is currently arranging Pennsylvania’s first official Trade Mission to Russia in June 2008.

Further strengthening commercial ties between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region and Russia, MARBC is coordinating the participation of the American delegations, including a significant number of companies from the Mid-Atlantic Region, and organizing American programs and roundtables at the following events in Moscow:

·         Moscow International Salon of Innovations & Investment, March 3-6;

·         5th Moscow International Congress:
Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development, including:

·         International Specialized Exhibition: Biotech World 2008, March 11-13;

·         International Conference: Water, Biological Objects and Food, March 11-13;

·         15th Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition, March 19-22;

·         Goszakaz, a government procurement forum-exhibition, March 24-26;

·         9th International Forum: High Technology of the 21st Century, April 22-25;

·         BIOEURASIA, April 24-25;

As a member of the Russian-American business community, I would like to invite you to take part in the events of the MARBC Month in Russia, which will offer advantageous opportunities to network with your industry’s Russian and American counterparts and associates.

Furthermore, considering this year’s establishment of Pennsylvania’s Authorized Trade Representative in Moscow, the Pennsylvania Center for Trade Development, in cooperation with the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia, the US Commercial Service and the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council, welcomes your participation in business-to-business Trade Mission to Russia on June 23–26.

 MARBC looks forward to the propitious participation of your business throughout the MARBC Month in Russia, as well as during Pennsylvania’s Trade Mission to Russia. 

For more information about these events, please contact me by email: val@ma-rbc.org, by phone: (215) 708-2628 or visit: http://www.ma-rbc.org 

 Best regards,

 Val Kogan

President of the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council



MARBC Month in Russia

in March-April 2008

and the First Pennsylvania Trade Missions to Russia

in June 2008


In March-April 2008, the Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council (MARBC) will present the MARBC Month in Russia. Due to the fact that MARBC traditionally organizes American participation at a number of major events every March & April in Russia, MARBC is combining all March & April events into the MARBC Month in Russia.  MARBC is coordinating the participation of the American delegations, including a significant number of companies from the Mid-Atlantic Region, and organizing American programs and roundtables at the following events held in Moscow: Moscow International Salon of Innovations & Investment, Moscow International Congress Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development,” which includes the International Specialized Exhibition “Biotech World” and the International Conference “Water, Biological Objects and Food,” Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition, Goszakaz, International Forum “High Technology of the 21st Century”, and BIOEURASIA.  Further strengthening commercial ties between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region and Russia, this year Pennsylvania became the first American state to establish an Authorized Trade Representative in Moscow, and the Pennsylvania Center for Trade Development is currently arranging Pennsylvania’s first official Trade Mission to Russia on June 23 – 26, 2008.

 The MARBC Month in Russia will begin with the participation of the MARBC delegation to the 8th Moscow International Salon of Innovations & Investment on March 3-6, 2008, where the MARBC will also be organizing panel discussions concerning Russian-American innovation and entrepreneurship.  Displaying advancements in the Russian sciences, this Salon is a major annual event aimed at developing research and technology, stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation, and promoting achievements in the sciences and production.  The business agenda of the Salon will include scientific and technological conferences, seminars, roundtables, and business meetings in the main areas of investment and innovation development of Russia.  Combining the interests of inventors, developers and manufacturers, the Salon focuses in nanosystems and materials, information and telecommunication systems, energy, counter-terrorism and security technologies, venture projects, infrastructure development, finance and credit for innovation. 

 Expanding upon the success of last year’s cooperation between American and Russian bio-industry firms, MARBC, as a member of the organizational and programming committees, will arrange American participation in the 6th International Specialized Exhibition “Biotech World 2008” and the International Conference “Water, Biological Objects and Food” in Moscow City Hall on March 11-13, 2008. These events are organized in the framework of the 5th Moscow International Congress “Biotechnology: State of the Art and Prospects of Development.” The Biotech World 2008 exhibition will highlight the entire spectrum of biological products for pharmaceutical, food and agricultural industry, veterinary medicine, geology and industrial enterprises, biological products for protection and recovery of environment, etc.  MARBC will host the Russia-American symposium “Issues of current importance for Russia-USA cooperation in the field of biotechnology” and an American exposition at the exhibition. 

 On March 19-22nd, MARBC will be assisting American participation in the largest travel and tourism exhibition in Russia, which is considered to be the third largest in the world - 15th Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition.  This event is a perfect opportunity for international tourism companies to become abreast of recent trends and developments in the Russian tourism industry, as well as to present their company and establish new business relationships with Russian counterparts. In 2007 more than 2700 companies from 110 countries and regions participated in the exhibition.  At the 2007 exhibition, MARBC President, Val Kogan, along with Ex-British Ambassador to Russia, Roderick Line, gave an opening speech while participating at the welcoming ceremony of the exhibition.  MARBC is working to attract leading U.S. tourism and travel companies to participate in the 2008 exhibition.

 GOSZAKAZ, which is the government procurement forum-exhibition where companies may represent their products to budget holders of all levels of the Russian federal and regional governments, will be on March 24th-26th

 The MARBC Month in Russia will continue into April with the 9th International Forum: High Technology of the 21st Century, April 22-25th, where MARBC will also organize an American exhibition and the symposium “Opportunities for Russian-American Cooperation in the Field of Science and Technology,” on April 23rd in the Expocenter, Moscow.  Technological achievements in the fields of space, electronics and communications, information, atomic science, mechanical engineering and metal-working, laser technologies, medicine and biotechnology, ecology, chemistry and new materials, alternative energy and energy-efficient technologies, and safety and security technology will be presented at this Forum.  Official representatives from various regions of Russia will actively participate in the conference.  Roundtables and seminars will be organized on the latest trends in science-intensive industries, especially regarding the problems of innovative activities and financing scientific projects.  Organizations specializing in the field of high technology production, including state science centers, academic institutions, financial companies, investment and venture enterprises, will make presentations on newly developed products as well as on the latest regional and inter-regional developments, and American companies will give presentations on the topic of Russian-American technological cooperation. Additionally, the Moscow Entrepreneurs Association in partnership with MARBC will co-host the innovation competition “Leader in the Field of High Technology,” as well as the award ceremony for the laureates of the Forum, which will be held at the President Hotel on April 25th. There are several categories in the innovation competition, including: information technology and electronics; transport, fuel, and energy; ecology and natural resources; new materials; production technology; and consumer goods.

 MARBC Month in Russia will then conclude with BIOEURASIA, a new major biotechnology event, on April 24-25th.

 Considering this year’s establishment of Pennsylvania’s Authorized Trade Representative in Moscow, the Pennsylvania Center for Trade Development, in cooperation with the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia, the US Commercial Service and the Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council, is organizing American participation in Pennsylvania’s first official business-to-business Trade Mission to Russia on June 23–26th. This is the first trade mission of its kind from Pennsylvania to this exciting market!

 With the propitious participation of American businesses throughout the MARBC Month in Russia and during Pennsylvania’s Trade Mission to Russia, 2008 undoubtedly promises to manifest into an exceptionally momentous year.

 For additional information about the first Pennsylvania Trade Mission to Russia contact Joe Burke, Pennsylvania Center for Trade Development by phone at: (717) 720-7366 or by e-mail at: jburke@state.pa.us.

   For further information on the MARBC Month in Russia, please contact Val Kogan, President of the MARBC, by phone at: (215) 708-2628, by e-mail at: val@ma-rbc.org or visit the MARBC website: www.ma-rbc.org.


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between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia