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Internet Presence for Members of Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council


PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA, May 2, 1997 - Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council in collaboration with MBP Creations would like to announce an exciting new service to our members. Beginning immediately, your business or company is eligible for an Internet presence through our World-Wide Web site.

Make information about your company globally available
Important things such as your mission statement, description of your products and services, contact information will always be available to anyone anywhere.

Keep in touch by e-mail
Your existing or potential customers, investors, and colleagues will be able to get in touch with you anytime without the high costs of telephone or fax.

Reach new population segments and exotic geographic locations
Internet is no longer an exclusive domain of college students - more and more influential businesses and successful executives all over the world utilize opportunities this new medium provides.

At a discounted cost to members of Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council, MBP Creations offers the following services:
  • WWW page(s) creation and layout
  • Graphic design
  • Visitor feedback via e-mail
  • Hosting your company's WWW page(s)
  • Registration with major WWW search engines
  • Updates and Maintenance
  • Help with all your Internet questions and needs

Do your customers speak Russian? Any other Slavic language? No problem! MBP Creations is an expert in foreign language WWW publishing and will easily accommodate multi-lingual information.

Founded in 1995, the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council cultivates economic and cultural partnerships between Russia and Pennsylvania and assists mid-Atlantic companies seeking to explore and enter the expanding Russian market. Providing networking opportunities and acting as a clearinghouse for business information in Russia, the PRBC is a "home base" for those who want to conduct business in Russia and need the knowledge and understanding of legal, financial, and other business protocols to be successful.

MBP Creations is a full-service Internet marketing firm dedicated to assisting small and medium-size businesses and non-profit organizations in promoting and advertising their products and services on the market place of the 21st century: Cyberspace.

For more information, please contact Val Kogan, President of PRBC, at (215) 708-2628, (215) 963-7079, fax (215) 963-9104; or Matvey Palchuk of MBP Creations by e-mail.

Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council
MBP Creations

Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia