Letters of Support

This page contains excerpts from the letters of support for the Second Annual Pennsylvania-Russia Business Opportunity Fair:

I am writing in an effort to address all of those individuals who are interested in entering a new market with insurmountable possibilities and excellent potential for growth.

At this time I would also like to mention my support for the Second Pennsylvania-Russia Business Opportunity Fair.

As a member of the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council, and a person with interest in the joint success of our two countries, I want to hear your ideas, success stories and obstacles, and present to you just what is being done in Washington to promote this contact. I look forward to seeing you ... at the Fair!

Curt Weldon, Member of Congress
Congress of the United States
House of Representatives

Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the USA would like to call your attention to Pennsylvania-Russia Business Opportunity Fair scheduled for June 1997 in Philadelphia. Such a conference is organized for the second time and promises to become one of the significant events, geared to further the development of trade and economic ties between the state of Pennsylvania and Russia.

V. M. Chibirev
Deputy Trade Representative
Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the USA

With pleasure, we have agreed to participate in your Second Annual Pennsylvania-Russia Business Opportunity Fair to be held in Philadelphia in June 1997.

After out participation in your First Annual Fair last year, we are looking forward to a higher-than-ever turnout for your 1997 event.

Please be assured of BISNIS support for this and future events which you may plan.

Trevor J. Gunn, Ph.D.
Deputy Director
Business Information for The Newly Independent States (BISNIS)
International Trade Administration
United States Department of Commerce


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