On behalf of the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council I invite your
Chamber of Commerce or a Trade Organization to be a supporter for the
upcoming 3rd Annual Pennsylvania-Russia Business Opportunity Symposium to
be held on October 14-15, 1998, at the Ramada Inn - Philadelphia
International Airport, 76 Industrial Highway, Essington. The Symposium is
the only major annual event in the Mid-Atlantic Region dedicated to
promoting trade and new business opportunities with Russia and the Newly
Independent States. The success of last year's event was made possible
through the cooperative efforts of 45 Mid-Atlantic regional chambers of
commerce and business associations.
Your support may take any of the following forms:
- Publicizing the Symposium and promoting it to companies in
your region
- Including our brochure in upcoming group mailing (Please
provide us with a deadline for submission and the number of
brochures you will require.)
- Recommending companies and individuals with recent
experience with Russia to serve as panel speakers,
presenters, and booth vendors.
In return, we will recognize your efforts by:
- Including your name as a supporting agency in the
Symposium program.
- Providing you and your staff with a free booth and a 50%
discount on admission to the Symposium.
- Providing your members with a 10% discount on admission to
the Symposium.
If you are interested in being involved in any way, please contact me at
(215) 963-7079.
The Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council welcomes your
partnership in this important event. Your participation will
ensure the success of the Symposium and will help companies
in your region find success in the rapidly developing
Russian market. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Val Kogan,