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Opportunities in Russia for the U.S. Agricultural Industry

PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - The Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture are pleased to announce a seminar on Investment Opportunities in Russia for the American Agricultural Industry, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., Friday, March 16, 2001 in Meeting Rooms 1 & 2 at the Southern Market Center, 100 South Queen Street, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This seminar is hosted by the International Commerce Committee of the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce and Industry with promotional support from the SPIN and Interfax. The informational briefing will cover important developments concerning the ups and downs of U.S. agricultural exports to Russia. Representatives of the U.S. Department of Agriculture along with selected technical experts in the field will be present to discuss recent developments in the Russian agribusiness market and how Mid-Atlantic area business can benefit right away.

Invest in Russian Agribusiness... now?

Actually, this is an opportune time to consider just that. The PRBC - USDA Seminar can help you gain the information you need to explore promising markets in the Russian Federation. Recent reports confirm:

  • Russian economic meltdown over
  • Dislocation created niche markets. Example: the food processing sector
  • Ruble devaluation dramatically lowered local business costs
  • Food processors and farms are recovering -- more profitable, production up, inflation stabilized
  • Business-friendly tax reform underway
  • Multinational food processors are sourcing more raw materials locally
  • Foreign direct investment from European Union is growing

The time to explore entering the Russian market of 150 million customers is right now.


Following the March Seminar, this year's U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Agency for International Development Program to Revitalize Russian Agriculture through Regional Investment (PRARI) Trade Mission to Rostov, Samara, and Lipetsk, will take place April 20-30, 2001.The first Agribusiness Investment and Trade Mission in September 1999, was a success. This second mission will explore three attractive areas for direct investment in Russia: ROSTOV, SAMARA & LIPETSK.The USDA and USAID Program to Revitalize Russian Agriculture through Regional Investment (PRARI) has been working for about three years, helping to pave the way for your investment and trade in selected Russian regions.

Participation in this Trade Mission includes:

  • Introductions to pre-screened strategic or financial partners
  • Briefings by top U.S. embassy and trade officials
  • Meetings with local government and private sector representatives
  • Useful advice from other U.S. businesses that have invested there
  • Interpreters, translators, internal ground transportation, some meals
  • Your costs are limited to international travel, Moscow hotel expenses and some meals.

March 16 Seminar Cost: $35 Chamber/PRBC members; $45 non-members
Deadline to register: March 9.

To Register or for additional information please contact: Val Kogan, PRBC President at: (215) 708-2628, email: prbc@worldnet.att.net or visit the PRBC website at: www.fita.org/prbc/. Registration information is also available through Lancaster Chamber of Commerce representative: Brent Landis (717-397-3531); and Committee contact: Cecelia Harrington (717-285-1380)

Friday, March 16, 2001
1:00 - 4:30 p.m.
The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Southern Market Center
100 South Queen Street
Lancaster, PA 17608


  • Opening & Closing:

    Brendon J. Landis, Agricultural Services Coordinator
    The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry

    Cecelia Maxwell Harrington, International Commerce Committee Chair
    The Lancaster Chamber of Commerce & Industry

    Val Kogan, President
    Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council

  • Keynote Speech:

    Christian Foster
    Chief, Trade and Investment Program
    Int'l. Cooperation and Development
    Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA

    Why This is the Time to Invest in Russian Agribusiness
    The Outlook for the Russian Agricultural Sector

  • Dr. Pavel P. Sorokin
    Counselor (agriculture)
    Embassy of the Russian Federation

  • Peter C. Witmer, Director
    Bureau of Market Development
    Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture

    Market Development and Financial Assistance

  • Paul Tumminia, Director,
    Russia & NIS International Business Relations
    Export-Import Bank of the United States

  • Frank Orban, Associate Counsel
    Armstrong World Industries, Inc.

  • Allen Weicksel, Director
    Pennsylvania Producers

  • Ron Davis, Export Director
    Bell Export Foods Group

  • Not confirmed:

    Gibson Armstrong
    Pennsylvania Senator

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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia