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Foreign Policy Research Institute cordially invites you to attend a BookTalk


STEPHEN KOTKIN, Director, Russian Studies, Princeton University

Sponsored by the Foreign Policy Research Institute

in cooperation with the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council

Combining historical and geopolitical analysis with an absorbing narrative, Prof. Kotkin draws upon extensive research including memoirs of dozens of insiders and senior figures to provide a compelling story of how a superpower liquidated itself with barely a whimper. In this talk, Prof. Kotkin will illuminate not only the Soviet collapse but the state of Russia today. Kotkin teaches European and Asian history at Princeton University. His books include Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization (1995) and Steeltown, USSR: Soviet Society in the Gorbachev Era (1991). His essays appear in The New Republic and the New York Times, and he is an essayist on "Marketplace" for Public Radio International.

Tuesday, December 4, 2001
4:00 Reception/4:30 Lecture/5:45 Adjournment
The Rittenhouse Hotel, 210 West Rittenhouse Square,

Free for members of FPRI and PRBC / $15 for non-members

(NOTE: FPRI Members at the $1,000 level are invited to a private dinner immediately following.) Business Attire Requested / Reservations Required

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