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12 RANIT Packet

Country Seminar Program

Russia: Profile

Proclamation Letter from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Proclamation Letter from City of Philadelphia


The 12th Semi-Annual Biotechnological
Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT – BIO)
April 27 - May 6, 2010

Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT) brings together entrepreneurs, scientists, venture capitalists, and established corporations within the American and Russian technology industries. RANIT, organized by the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC), supported by the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, State of New Jersey, Philadelphia U.S. Export Assistance Center of the U.S. Commercial Service, World Trade Center Delaware, Pennsylvania Bio, Bio New Jersey, Select Greater Philadelphia, Philadelphia Convention & Visitors Bureau, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Chamber of Commerce in Russia, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Moscow Entrepreneurs Association, International Center for Technology Cooperation, COMCON-Pharma, and sponsored by Abbott, Amgen and Baker & McKenzie is the most significant semi-annual event devoted to Russian-American technology and business cooperation. Based on past success, RANIT is now held twice a year, and includes an increasing number of regional technology events, seminars, panel discussions, roundtable meetings, trade shows, conferences, and networking events. The 12th RANIT will highlight biotechnology, nanotechnology, and the pharmaceutical industry, and will conclude with participation in the world's largest biotechnology exhibition, the 2010 BIO International Convention in Chicago. The Russian delegation that will take part in the 12th RANIT-BIO will consist of representatives from the foremost Russian companies in biotechnology and related industries.

12th RANIT-BIO will begin in Philadelphia and Washington on April 27-30, 2010

Starting in Philadelphia, special events at RANIT-BIO will include a welcoming ceremony and Russian-American Pharmaceutical Conference at Philadelphia City Hall on April 27th. This conference co-organized by the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council and supported by COMCON-Pharma will explore the opportunities to build mutually-supportive partnerships between the U.S. and Russia in the sphere of innovative pharmaceutical development. The conference will consist of in-depth discussions of the investment climate and key policy issues for Russia and the U.S. The conference will also include a panel with representatives from the Health and the Business Development Working-Groups of the US-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission. The panel will provide an update on the status of ongoing activities in the Working Groups, including plans for enhancing collaboration between the United States and Russia in the areas of public health and biomedical research, and a discussion of policy priorities in these areas.

The key and concluding event of the 12th RANIT will be

2010 BIO International Convention

May 3 – 6, 2010

in Chicago

BIO International Convention is the world’s largest and most impressive exhibition and conference for experts in the field of biotechnology

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) has played an important role in previous years at BIO International Convention, serving as the official organizer of the Russian delegation to BIO 2005, BIO 2006, BIO 2007, BIO 2008, and BIO 2009, as part of MARBC’s undertaking to build a bridge between the Russian and American biotechnology communities. The Russian business program at BIO 2005 was organized in the context of the Semi-Annual Russian-American Innovation Technology Week (RANIT), and included a Russian mini-pavilion and participation by members of the Russian delegation in various events of BIO 2005. At BIO 2006 in Chicago, as well as at BIO 2007 in Boston and at BIO 2009 in Atlanta, MARBC organized a Country Seminar on Russia featuring panel discussions and presentations from leading experts on doing business in Russia. MARBC also presented the Russian biotechnology industry in the International Marketplace during the conference’s International Day.

Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council will again serve as the official organizer of the Russian delegation to 2010 BIO International Convention in Chicago. MARBC will present Russian biotechnology companies and organize an exposition on the achievements of Russian scientists and manufacturers in biotechnology and related industries. Focusing upon "Russia's Emerging Bio-economy: From Bioeducation to Bionanotechnology," MARBC will present the Russian biotechnology industry during the first day of the BIO 2010 conference. The Country Seminar on Russia will be held at 3:00pm on May 3, 2010 in Room S101B at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago.


As in Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, San Diego, and in Atlanta, the MARBC will again serve as the official organizer of the Russian delegation to 2010 BIO International Convention in Chicago. MARBC will present Russian biotechnology companies and organize an exposition on the achievements of Russian scientists and manufacturers in biotechnology and related industries. Focusing upon “Russia’s Emerging Bio-economy: New Developments in Regional Bioclusters, Biofuels, and Bionanotechnology,” MARBC will present the Russian biotechnology industry during the BIO 2010 International Day.

For additional information about participation in the 12th RANIT-BIO, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council by phone: (215) 708-2628, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org.


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