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ITEC Philadelphia for the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council

ITEC Philadelphia – Special invitation for members of the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council

The ITEC Philadelphia Conference returns to town in just a few short days. Here is your invitation as a member of the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council to attend ITEC Philadelphia! Registration is complimentary for technology managers and directors. Please use source code: MARBCVIP when registering.

Join us at the Valley Forge Convention Center on November 19-20. The Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council is a partnering organization with ITEC-Philadelphia and will deliver a Keynote Presentation: “Thinking Globally in Today’s Economic Environment and How To Expand Globally in an IT Market” with Val Kogan, President, MARBC, Vladimir Eskin, Managing Director, Prognoz, Dr. Andrey Gipaspov, Author and Consultant, and Michael Zaitsev, CEO, DataArt on Wednesday, November 19th from 12:15 pm – 1:00 pm.

Be sure to stop by and visit MARBC, along with other Russian Technology Companies at booth #210.

ITEC Philadelphia is about education – getting you and your team trained in the latest technology developments:

  • Hardware systems including security, data centers and virtualization
  • Networking, including VoIP, wireless and mobile solutions
  • Enterprise and social media software

Businesses and organizations need up-to-date information systems, and the conference at ITEC gets you together with experts in their fields, free of charge. The conference includes a complimentary lunch both days, making this the ideal training package for managers and directors in every company.

Learn from these experts:

  • Yigal Behar, Co-Founder and IT Security Consultant, 2Secure
  • Jim Bizjak, Principal and Co-Founder, Wellington Technologies, Inc
  • Scott Brousseau, Senior VP and CTO, PBG, Inc
  • Chris King, Director of Product Marketing, Palo Alto Networks
  • Dan Lohrmann, Chief Information Security Office (CISO), State of Michigan
  • Corey McFadden, Managing Partner, Infradapt John Stone, President, CrossTech Partners …
  • and many more.

Check out the full list online at http://www.goitec.com/phi08/speakers.aspx

Don’t miss this opportunity - REGISTER TODAY and attend for FREE.

Bill Sell | Vice President & General Manager
Email: bsell@crosstechmedia.com | www.crosstechmedia.com
For further information contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council, by phone: (215) 708-2628, or email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org



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