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AdvaMed2011 Flyer

Russian Participation at the AdvaMed 2011 Conference

Washington, D.C. – The Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council (MARBC) is pleased to organize the participation of a Russian delegation of businesses in the medical technological field to the AdvaMed 2011 Conference, which will take place in Washington, D.C. on September 26-28, 2011. The MARBC is a supporting partner organization of AdvaMed, the world’s premier medical technology conference and exhibition for business leaders, policymakers, investors, news media, patient advocates, and industry stakeholders in the Med Tech field. Since attendees will have the opportunity to directly access key players, inform stakeholders as to the progress of the med tech industry, and influence the business, political and financial climates so imperative to innovation, this event will be a premier opportunity for businesses wishing to become more involved in this field. As an supporting partner the MARBC will be organizing Russian participation in the event.

The AdvaMed 2011 Conference is organized by the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), the world’s largest medical technology association. As such, it is the primary opportunity for over 1,700 of the most influential leaders, businessmen and financiers in the Med Tech field to network, showcase their latest technologies and products, and attend educational panels. These educational panels focus on timely and relevant MedTech topics ranging from regulatory issues to business development to product innovation.

The AdvaMed conferences have a history of international participation. This year there will be senior level executives representing more than 30 different countries. Thus, this is an unparalleled chance to access potential partners and investors. During the AdvaMed 2011 Conference, the MARBC will organize a Russian exhibition, and presentation about the latest medical technology innovations in Russia.

After the conference has finished in Washington, D.C., the MARBC will bring the Russian delegation to Baltimore and other parts of the Mid-Atlantic region. The MARBC will conclude the program in Philadelphia where Russian executives will continue to follow an intensive program of engagements including a roundtable discussion and a meeting in the International Incubator at the Science Center.

For more information about and registration for the AdvaMed 2011 Conference please visit the AdvaMed website at http://www.advamed2011.com and use promotional code SPOMEM19 for a discount.

For more information about Russian participation in AdvaMed 2011, please contact Val Kogan, President of the Mid-Atlantic – Russia Business Council by phone: (484) 467-7444, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at http://www.ma-rbc.org.




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