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Ambassador of Russia to the U.S. Returns to Philadelphia

H.E. Sergey Kislyak
Ambassador of Russia to the United States

Wednesday, October 19, 2011 — Evening
In March 2009, President Obama called for a “reset” of its relationship with Russia following several years of tension and conflicts between the two countries. Amid current efforts at cooperation, and in anticipation of 2012 presidential elections in both Russia and the United States that may again impact the relationship, Ambassador Sergey Kislyak joins the Council to discuss the significance of strong bilateral relations between Russia and the United States on such vital policy areas as arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, Iran's nuclear program, global energy security and boosting economic ties between our countries at a time of global financial instability.
This event is organized by the Philadelphia World Affairs Council and Marks & Sokolov, LLC, sponsored by UFG Asset Management and  is offered in cooperation with the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council.

Location:  Radisson Plaza-Warwick Hotel, 220 South 17th St., Philadelphia

     6 p.m.                     Registration; wine, beer and hors d’oeuvre reception
6:45 p.m.                    Program
7:45 p.m.                    Adjournment

Event Options:

Members of the World Affairs Council and the Mid-Atlantic – Russia  Business Council:
Reception and program: $65; Program only: $25

General public
Reception and program $80; Program only: $40

Students (full-time students with valid ID — limited availability) Program only: $20

For information and reservations,http://www.wacphila.org/calendar/speakers_events/ambassador_of_the_russian_federation_to_the_united_states or 215-561-4700.




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Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia