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2007 New York Chem Show Russian Delegation List

1.    Spirin, Sergey                      - Deputy Director General of the public corporation “Halogen”

2.    Kudryavtsev, Pavel              - General Director of the LLC “Trivektr”

3.    Popova, Lyubov                   - General Director of the JSC “Petroshina”

4.    Baranov, Vladimir                - Financial Director of the JSC Petroshina”

5.    Platoshin, Petr                      - General Director of the JSC “Megaplast”

6.    Sutjaginsky, Michail             - General Director of the Group of companies “Titan”

7.    Ohapkin, Sergey                  - General Director of the Pokrovsky biological products factory

8.    Volkov, Michail                     - General Director of the LLS “Biothechnosnab”

9.    Skurihin, Pavel                     - Director of the LLS “Sakha Khimprom” (Siberian agrarian holding) 

10. Nazarov, Sergey                   - Minister of Industry, Power Engineering and Natural Resources of the Rostov area

11. Sinitsyna, Galina                   - Minister of the economic development and trade of the Chelyabinsk area

12. Materov, Ivan                       - Deputy Minister of Industry and Power Engineering of the Russian Federation


13. Ushakov, Alexander             - Mayor of the city Izhevsk


14. Evtukhov, Alexander            - Deputy Governor of the Tula area in charge of the economic development and investment politics


15. Gavrilenko, Valentina         - Department Chief of the external economic integration of theChemical Complex VNIINEKHIM

16. Shahmaev, Anvar                 - General director of the public  corporation “Cherkess Chemical Industrial Association” 

17. Sergeeva, Irina                     - Councilor, Department of industrial politics in chemical production of the Ministry of the Economy and Energetics of  the    Russian Federation


18. Vasiljev, Michail                    - Director of the VNIITEKHIM, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Chemists

19. Kukushkin, Igor                     - Chief Executive Director of the Russian Union of Chemists

20. Shakkum, Мichail                 - Chairman of the Gosudarstvennaya Duma (Russian Senate) committee GD on industry, construction and high technologies

21. Semenov, Valentin               - Deputy Chairman and Head of Stuff of the Legislative Assembly

of the Krasnoyarsk region


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