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Clean Energy Week

February 1-5, 2010
Washington, DC

The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council would like to invite you to take part in both the Clean Energy Week and one of its major events, Renewable Energy Technology Conference & Exhibition (RETECH 2010), which will take place on February 3-5, 2010 at the Washington Convention Center. MARBC is a partner of Clean Energy Week and a supporting organization of the RETECH conference.

Clean Energy Week is an unincorporated joint initiative of nearly 100 NGOs, nonprofit organizations, associations, companies and government agencies collaborating to advocate for passage of comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation including provisions for energy efficiency, renewable energy and climate solutions. Nearly 100 organizations in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and environmental arenas – representing hundreds of companies and tens of thousands of workers and citizens – are joining forces to launch Clean Energy Week to focus on the national imperative to enact comprehensive clean energy policy as a means of creating vast numbers of new jobs, enhancing security and preserving our planet for the generations to follow.

Clean Energy Week activities will emphasize the shared concept that climate solutions, renewable energy and energy efficiency policies are essential engines of job creation and economic growth. Clean Energy Week opened with a media news conference on Monday, February 1st, 2010 at National Press Club. For more information on Clean Energy Week, a list of the supporting organizations and a list of events, please go to: http://www.cleanenergyweek.org/

For further information on Russian involvement in RETECH 2010 or Clean Energy Week, please contact Val Kogan, President of the MARBC, by phone at: (215) 708-2628, mobile: (484) 467-7444, or via e-mail at: val@ma-rbc.org



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between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia