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Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation

Philadelphia, PA – The Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council (MARBC) will organize the Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation (RAVC 2011), which will be held in Philadelphia from November 28 - December 2, 2011. Activities will start with an opening ceremony at Philadelphia City Hall on November 28, 2011. Under the framework of RAVC 2011, the MARBC is organizing the 7th Annual Russian – American Technology Entrepreneurship Conference.  Additional activities will include a roundtable discussion at the International Incubator at the Science Center. Furthermore, MARBC is organizing Russian participation in the IMPACT 2011 Conference, held on November 29-30th, 2011 in Philadelphia. IMPACT is one of the biggest and oldest venture capital events in the United States. A Russian delegation of entrepreneurs and industry executives will participate in a number of venture capital business meetings and learn about U.S. venture capital industry. This event is an important part of the MARBC program for Russian-American innovative cooperation.

IMPACT is one of the oldest venture capital functions in the United States and continues to be a catalyst for companies and capital, emphasizing the wide variety of investment opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic region. IMPACT participants share their knowledge of venture capital industry, and discuss strategies for building and managing strategic investment programs and institutions. IMPACT showcases the best young and developing companies and provides these with incomparable exposure to top venture capitalists and private equity investors. IMPACT features a technology track, presenting companies from various areas of technology, such as information technologies, telecommunications, nanotechnology, clean energy, biotechnology and life sciences. IMPACT continues to build upon the momentum of adding new content sections, including Institutional Investing, Technology Transfer, Business Development and Strategic Growth.

As in previous years, MARBC is standing by its commitment to support IMPACT, and will bring Russian delegation from venture capital industry and emerging companies to participate at the IMPACT meeting.
MARBC will be organizing additional events in Philadelphia and throughout the Mid-Atlantic region, as part of the Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation.

For further information about the Days of Russian-American Innovation Entrepreneurship Cooperation, please contact Val Kogan, Mid-Atlantic-Russia Business Council by phone: (484) 467-7444, email: val@ma-rbc.org, or visit the MARBC website at: http://www.ma-rbc.org.


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