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About Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council: Since 1994, MARBC has worked to foster business relations between Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region, while cultivating mutual appreciation of political, economic, cultural, and educational interests. The goal of MARBC is to enable companies based in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region to enhance their positions in Russia and the CIS and to attract Russian businesses to the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. For more details go to http://www.ma-rbc.org/about.html
About MARBC Internship Program: MARBC Internship program is a unique opportunity to gain valuable teamwork and leadership experience and demonstrate the ability to meet pre-defined project goals in the real-world business environment. The internship will give you access to the major local trade shows and conferences, provide you with a wealth of networking opportunities with American and Russian businessmen and officials, introduce you to the world of volunteer involvement in the non-profit sector, and make you a part of the MARBC alumni network. Click here for a video message from one of our interns who shares her experience at the Mid-Atlantic - Russia Business Council.
Internship Position: Corporate Style Designer
Contact information: Please send your resume to info@ma-rbc.org
Background: Clear and efficient presentation of information is crucial for MARBC in pursuing its mission. MARBC needs an updated and consistent graphic style for various forms of communications with clientele, such as web articles, pamphlets, fliers, and press releases, as well as a better defined and consistent document structure. MARBC web site design also requires significant improvement. Accomplishing the objectives below will be a significant contribution to MARBC's work and an excellent opportunity to develop a diverse skill set, including strategic thinking, corporate design development, and project management.
Objectives: Develop a formal documentation structure for MARBC, define a purpose of each document type.
Develop graphic design and format for each of the document types, make a template for each.
Improve the design of WTEC's new website (still under development, see www.ma-rbc.org/wordpress)
Candidacy requirements: Experience or interest in graphic and corporate design.
Basic knowledge of web design, HTML, and graphic design software.
Ability to make a time commitment of about 4-8 hours per week.

Cultivating Economic and Cultural Partnerships
between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia