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PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA - On Thursday September 14, 2000 the French-American Chamber of Commerce, the German-American Chamber of Commerce, the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce, the Pennsylvania-Russia Business Council, and the Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships will host a delegation of European journalists. This program will take place from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Sheraton Society Hill. The address is One Dock Street at 2nd & Walnut Streets in Philadelphia.

This program is sponsored by the law firm of Pepper Hamilton LLP, Systems & Computer Technology Corporation, and US Airways. Space is limited and registration is required. RSVP deadline is Tuesday, September 12th. To register contact Val Kogan, PRBC President at (215) 708-2628, (215) 963-7079 or e-mail at prbc@worldnet.att.net.

Registration cost is as follows:
By September 12th deadline: $50.00 Members / $60.00 General Public
At the door (if space permits): $55 Members / $65.00 General Public

Program agenda is as follows:
5:30 p.m. - Registration
5:45 p.m. - Welcome
6:00 p.m. - Country Briefings, Q & A
7:15 p.m. - Business Card Drawing
(2 US Airways Roundtrip Tickets to Europe)
7:30 - 8:30 p.m. - Networking Reception
(European Cuisine Buffet)

Panel members are as follows:
Ambassador Adrian Basora, President - Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships

Vladimir Abarinov, US Correspondent in Washington, D.C. - The Expert & Itogi

Czech Republic
Vlastimil Mily, US Correspondent in New York - The Czech News Agency

Ivo Kunsch, Chief Correspondent in Washington, D.C. - Slovak Radio

Gerd Bruggemann, Economic Correspondent in Washington, D.C. - Die Welt

Mario Platero, US Editor in New York - II Sole-24 Ore

Pierre-Yves Dugua, Economic Correspondent in Washington, D.C. - Le Figaro Economique & France Info

For more information, visit the PRBC website at www.fita.org/prbc

Gain new perspectives on the most pressing political, economic and social issues facing each country and its role vis à vis the European Union and the U.S.

Pose questions regarding issues that interest you and affect your business.

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between the U.S. Mid-Atlantic States and Russia