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Dinner with Mikhail Kasyanov


CONTACT: Val Kogan, PRBC President

TEL (215) 708-2628, E-MAIL: prbc@att.net


WASHINGTON, DC - The Pennsylvania - Russia Business Center is pleased to support the U.S. - Russia Business Council in hosting a dinner in honor of Mikhail Kasyanov, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Members and guests are cordially invited to an enjoyable evening of food, drink, and cutting-edge discussion at the

USRBC Dinner with

Mikhail M. Kasyanov

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

January 31, 2002

Willard Inter-Continental Hotel

1401 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC

Cocktails will begin at 6:00 p.m.

Dinner will begin at 7:00 p.m.

At this event, the Prime Minister is expected to discuss Russia's economic performance and outlook, and recent developments in U.S. - Russian relations.

Mikahail Kasyanov was confirmed as Prime Minister by the Duma in May 2000. Prior to that, he served as First Deputy Prime Minister in the cabinet of Acting Prime Minister Putin (January 2000) and as Minister of Finance in the Stepashin cabinet (May 1999). From 1993 to 1999, he served as Russia's debt negotiator with the London and Paris Clubs of creditors.

For more information, please contact Val Kogan, PRBC President, by phone (215) 708-2628, e-mail: prbc@att.net, or visit the PRBC website at: http://fita.org/prbc. To register for this event, please contact Iwona Skrzypek at (202) 739-9187.

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